How is the School of the Possible different than Singularity University?

Dave Gray
School of the Possible
1 min readApr 26, 2018


A few people have asked me how the School of the Possible is different than Singularity University.

The difference is simple. Both organizations focus on the future, but the future we are focusing on is different than the one they are focusing on. The best way to predict the future, of course, is to invent it. Singularity University focuses on finding the Singularity, and the School of the Possible focuses on finding the Synchronicity. I put those links there so you can look up the difference. The differences in our goals will lead to differences in our choices in people, structure, organization, and so on. Our efforts will also lead to different outcomes.

We have many possible futures and we have many choices. There is no reason to limit our options to one. And who is to say that we can’t have Synchronicity AND Singularity, and many other things besides?

We believe in exploring the possible. We don’t know what’s out there yet. But we want to find out. We all must choose the future we want. Let’s choose wisely.


