Tune the world

Alberto Boin
School of the Possible
3 min readMay 9, 2018

War, pollutions, terrorism, fraud, theft.. are the consequences of unhappiness.

This is the #1 source of dissonances. The overall resulting global sound is untuned.

People are happier when they do have a fulfilling life.

Make your dreams real is rewarding. People can be even happier when they actively contribute to the dreams of others.

The lab focus on :

  • Dreams naturale habitat: a surrounding made by happy people, where dreams can naturally grow and become real.
  • Spreadable Happiness: to expand the Dream Natural Habitat.

A massive amount of dreams accomplished, resulting in a happier world population, will let the world be better tuned.

Photo of lab

Q. What is the future you want to create?

A future where the number of problems are significantly reduced, more people are able to cultivate their dreams and they can live a happy satisfactory life.

Q. How do you track progress?

The number of dreams being processed and converted into reality.

The number of people who have been attracted and somehow involved.

Q. How are you doing so far?

Being on the same journey since 30+ years I should say that I’m doing well. Surely I’m happy about the journey itself. I had the pleasure to encounter people who have been helpful in shaping and encouraged me in continuing my path. The trend seems to show increasingly positive results.

Q. What are you NOT doing?

I’m not replacing existing good practices, I’m not shadowing existing associations/foundations/companies/people who are already out there doing good for the world, I’m not facilitating alternatives to professional advices in any fields.

Q. What have you learned so far?

The excess of dissonances has a tendency to undermine harmony, nullifying people’s passions, disrupt talents, significantly reduce purposes and is rapidly killing dreams. This creates a dwindling spiral which is one of the main cause of most, if not all, the existing issues.

When unhappiness increase dreams are fading away, disbelief kicks in, there is growth of anger toward who keeps dreaming and. dreams gets replaced by illusionary path to happiness.

If you are unhappy you can’t dream properly but if you can’t dream properly you can’t truly be happy. You can’t force someone to be happy.

So the best possible journey toward tuning the world should follow a gentle delicate path of less resistance.

Q. How can you help others? (+ a way to connect directly)

I can help in finding shaping and sharing your true passions and your real dreams by triggering and/or boosting your imagination. I can be reached at alberto.boin@gmail.com

Q. What help do you need? (+ a way to connect directly)

Acumen, people with great passions, talents, knowledge. Dreamers and visionaries, People who do believe in people. Access to resources.

I can be reached at alberto.boin@gmail.com

photo of lab leader (page owner)

For more information contact Lab Director Alberto Boin, alberto.boin@gmail.com

A way to follow your progress.

Currently by staying in touch.

#labs #dreams #tunetheworld

