Liminal Coaching Lab

Researching the border between the conscious and unconscious, applying the findings in the living practice

Mike Parker
School of the Possible
3 min readMay 1, 2018


My Lab

Enabling tuned consciousness in people and organizations

Goal 3. Viral spread of increased insight and consciousness.
Goal 2. Implement co-coaching with wide availability.
Goal 1. Extend existing Liminal Coaching successes into groups and teams

How we track progress

Research is put into practice every day with clients. Work with clients is always research as well. Joint research into their unique process of self-actualization. Quite often this results in big performance improvements, sometimes in complete shifts of orientation and understanding. Progress is tracked by direct feedback from clients. Subjective scaling is used during the process which gives us qualitative metrics. Frequently there are major improvements in goals the client has outlined at the outset. These are not always recognized as results from the process by the client. That’s fine. I think it was Insoo Kim Berg who said something like ‘the most successful intervention is the one that leaves no trace’. The approach is deeply Solutions Focused.

How we are doing so far

So far results in helping people make transitions and reframe problems to opportunities have been great. Research into areas like left/right hemisphere balance have resulted in specific instances of technique that according to the people themselves are successful. Individual sequences of discovery are necessarily confidential but testimonials speak for themselves.

What we have learned so far

Lots of different things here but perhaps the most significant is the ongoing work around understanding the general purpose nature of the liminal state. This is moving forward into the area of identifying how the liminal state (daydream, meditation, trance, REM sleep) can be a very wide range of different states depending on which areas of the brain are activated. EEG is beginning to help identify some of these differences. This along with constant ongoing research into the latest brain science and psychology developments forms a basis for helping people develop the kind of consciousness they want. We do not prescribe.

How can you help us?

  • We are looking to extend the availability of the core benefits of Liminal Coaching to groups and teams. There are already assembled practices, techniques and resources and we would love to identify and work with a concierge customer on this.
  • We would also like to explore applying Liminal Coaching in Mediation and Conflict Resolution as one of our team has deep training in this as well as Liminal Coaching skills.
  • We need to add more coaches to the team going forward. How we do that is assessed on an individual basis but people will need to be prepared to make one or other type of investment in the training.
  • Slightly further out time-wise (but that may change) very interested in hearing from anthropologists around identifying Liminal states across different cultures
  • I would also love to hear from anyone interested in helping to start Liminal Coaching South Africa

How can we help you?

We can help anyone or any group who need to make a change and are stuck. We would love to.

For me personally the journey currently incarnated as Liminal Coaching goes back over 50 years. We can help weave everything we’ve found out so far into what you are doing so that consciousness becomes a part of its living fabric. Your consciousness. We do not prescribe.

For more information contact Lab Director Mike Parker.




Mike Parker
School of the Possible

MBA innovation and strategy post-graduate studies in Systems Thinking and Governance. Qualified Solutions Focused therapist