What you can do today to heal this broken world.

Episode five: A key to unlock the next level of human consciousness.

Dave Gray
School of the Possible



Okay, here we are. Episode five of our epic tale. This might be the last one for a while. I encourage you to savor it. But make sure you read it before May 4th, 2018. You will understand why if you keep reading.

Many people think the Empire Strikes Back, which we now call episode five, is the best Star Wars film ever. That’s a lot of pressure for episode five in my story about possibility. I don’t know how well I did on the last one. But I think you’re going to like this one. It’s pretty damn good if I do say so myself.

First, allow me introduce this as a work of fiction. More specifically, lets say it’s science fiction. Science fiction is a realm in literature that is preoccupied with and fascinated by the realm of possible facts. So science fiction is one of the most practical and liberating types of fiction, because it is an arm of literature that is concerned with imagining possible facts. So science fiction writers are a type of possibilitarian.

A theory is another kind of possible fact. So if you like, you can think of this as a theory in the form of a science fiction story. In other words, you don’t have to believe any of it. I’m not saying it happened. I’m not saying it’s true. All I’m saying is that this is a story about possible facts.

Maybe we should say it’s a fairy tale. I don’t want to scare you.

Okay, are you ready?

A key to unlock a next level of human consciousness.

Once upon a time, in a galaxy very close by, a galaxy just like this one, very like this one in fact, and not too long ago, an epic story was written. It was a beautiful story that inspired the world with an epic vision of ever-expanding possibility. The story opened up a new universe of the imagination. The name of the story was Star Wars.

I saw Star Wars when I was 14 years old and it changed the way I saw the world forever. On the way to the movie, I was a 14-year old skeptic. I said, I can’t imagine anyone making a better film than 2001. I remember sayingit out loud. But that movie exploded my adolescent brain. My mind had been blown. George Lucas had just showed me, in a masterful demonstration of creative imagination and industrial light and magic, how puny my imagination was, and with one poke, he opened up a whole new world of possibility and opportunity. He tickled my brain cells and it opened my mind. He proposed a possible future that lit up the imagination of the world.

Yeah, I know. It was in the past. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. You’re going to argue with me about when a fantasy science fiction story falls in time? Like, when a fictional story happened in time, relative to the actual present?

Okay, fine, show me the Wikipedia article on Star Wars and time bending. Whatever. Do you mind if I get on with the story?

The Star Wars story wired art and religion and government and politics and science and engineering right back together in my brain, and that got me fully synthesized and integrated, which is the way every mind ought to be wired.

And if you are able to figure out how to wire your brain in that way, or if you are lucky enough to have George Lucas do it for you, you start seeing possibilities all over the place. I think the moment that film began was the moment that I became a student of the possible. I’ve been a possibility acolyte ever since. I’ve studied at the altar of nature, which in my definition includes the universe and all living things, as well as all things generated by all living things, so that includes not only plants, animals, and people but anthills, bird’s nests, parking lots, buildings, cities, software and satellites.

Cities are nature? Machines are nature? Parking lots?

Well, sure. It’s a story, did you think you wouldn’t get any opinions? Well, it’s just an opinion. Don’t get worked up about it. No reason to upset over an opinion. Opinions aren’t facts. They are only possible facts. Nothing to worry about.

The man who wrote the Star Wars story was a dreamer. He had big dreams. I’ve never met him. If I ever do, I’ll shake his hand, because I’ve got a lot to thank him for, and a few things to tell him. Because, although I know he was well aware that he created his story as a synthesis of a thousand stories about a thousand heroes who had similar journeys, I’m not sure that he realized that he was also creating a key that could unlock the next level of human consciousness.

What? Star Wars is the key to unlock the next level of human consciousness?

Yes. I said that. Well, I said a key, not the key. There might be other keys that also work. Bit yes, this one definitely works.

No way.

I told you this was a story, right? Like I said, it’s just a fairy tale. You don’t have to believe it. But I think you’ll like it anyway. Trust me, it’s a fun story, with a Big Bang at the end.

A fairy tale with George Lucas in it and he happens to write Star Wars? Okay, I’m suspending my disbelief. Keep going.

Thank you.

Yes, Star Wars is a key that can unlock the next level of consciousness. Star Wars. Yes. A fantasy. Science fantasy. Fun for the kids. Yes. But also a key. Maybe not the only key, but I only care if it works. And this one works. It opens a door.

An experiment.

Okay, it’s a story but it’s also an experiment. An experiment that I will explain to you fully, so you can try it for yourself and see if it works. Like any experiment, it won’t work if you don’t try it. Nothing works if you don’t try it. This is one of the ways we mistreat and abuse possible facts, by simply ignoring them and not doing the experiments because we are sure they won’t work. But when you don’t know it will work is exactly when you need to do an experiment! That is the whole reason for doing an experiment in the first place, to see if something will work.

I ought to know, because I have devised a lot of experimental proofs, in the form of recipes, which is what experiments are, recipes for learning, and just about all of them work, and the people who try them tell me that the experiments work for them. And the only people who ever tell me the experiments don’t work is the people who never try them. Peop,e can be strange sometimes. Go figure.

But this experiment is important enough that I need as many people as possible to try this one.

I will be describing experiment designed to create possibility. An experiment designed to open doors of possibility cannot be sure what it will find. But let me show you one small glitch in the matrix, an observation, something I noticed, which I also wonder about. And allow me to make a small demonstration of how noticing one or two tiny things can invert your entire universe.

Observations and assumptions.

I noticed that all of science, or a lot of it, and the entire industrial world, and the whole industrial platform, relies for its foundation on some basic assumptions which are quite dubious and can be flipped. And flipping a couple of tiny assumptions is no big deal, unless they are a couple of tiny assumptions (tiny assumptions that cannot be proven, by the way) way down in the foundations, assumptions that the whole entire platform is resting on. And these particular assumptions that are rooted somewhere down in the foundations actually rest on some pretty shaky rock. In fact they are resting on mud and because they are resting on mud, the entire foundation is sinking..

I mean, once you see these assumptions for what they are, and you really start to notice them and ask questions about them, you realize that not only are these assumptions highly unlikely to be true, they are arrogant as all hell and they are easily shown to be false, simply by observing them carefully with non-industrial eyes. Because these assumptions are a lie. And this can be proven by experiment. An experiment that I will share with you, that cannot be done by anyone else. Each person has to do this experiment for themselves, because this is an experiment that involves both your inner and outer worlds and the feedback loops that connect your inner concept of reality with the actual reality you experience.

The assumptions are a lie because they relieve the people of the industrial world from the challenging problem of having a conscience. If these assumptions are true, then we live in a dead world. A world where the only life form who has been bestowed the special gift of consciousness is the human being.

A thought experiment.

Imagine for a minute that the universe is conscious, and it is made up of all living things, which are also conscious, and that the consciousness of the universe has a purpose, a small flip of a very few assumption, a whole alternative world with a whole different set of rules and laws open up.

We don’t understand consciousness. We can’t devise a way to measure it. We can’t even figure out how to design experiments to demonstrate its existence. Scientifically speaking, there’s no evidence whatsoever that consciousness exists. Find a scientist and ask for yourself.

But we know consciousness exists. How do we know? Because we experience it. We live it. We can’t even let go of it when we sleep. We need it. Consciousness is the essence of life! You could say that it is life!

And so when we say that no other life forms have consciousness, or that the cells in our bodies don’t have consciousness, or that dogs and cats don’t have it, we are making a statement that is patently absurd. We know we have it, and we know we can’t prove that we do!

So the fact that we can’t prove it for other living things, or for the universe, means absolutely nothing. It’s not the kind of evidence that any self-respecting scientist should ever accept.

A more intelligent assumption would be that consciousness is something that we have not yet learned to measure from the outside, we can only know that we have it because we can experience it from the inside, and since dogs and cats, not to mention mice and pigs and all the other mammals, at least, that we perform experiments on, because scientifically and genetically they are very similar to us, since all of those animals are similar to us in all these other ways, it would be sensical to assume that they have consciousnesses that are similar to ours. The simplest explanation is the one most likely to be valid.

But somehow many of our scientists have overlooked this assumption. Well, many have not, but many have. Why? Why support a lie about something so obviously absurd?

Because this particular lie is masking an ugly truth. Because if the universe is conscious, and dogs and cats and mice and pigs and horses and cows are conscious, then we are doing some very cruel things. If we admitted that they might be conscious, we might still do some of those things, but I think we would be a lot more careful and respectful about it than we are today.

This one lie is only one thing that I noticed and wondered about. There are things like this all around you. But for now let’s take this one. It’s an important one. Let’s use this one idea, play with it and expand it a bit, ask a few questions, and design an experiment or two to see what kinds of possibilities we might be able to generate.

Why it’s important that we all start doing our own experiments.

Authority is dead. Our language is no longer strong enough, and our authorities are no longer credible enough, to do our work solely on the level of facts. We need to do world-growing work. And in world-growing, the foundations are not facts but the code with which facts are written, and that code is language. And language as defined by linguists is too narrow for our work. To grow worlds language needs to be a tool that can be adjusted and modified. If we are to build worlds, we need to think of language as open-source code we can use to give more possible facts a chance to become actual fact. New words are often necessary. Old words must be seized when necessary and given new meanings. Words are world-growing tools.

I’m thinking of a quote about the beginning being the word. You’re thinking it too. But we don’t need to say it, because where we are going, religion is irrelevant. Anyway this is a science fiction story, and I am not starting a cult, I am starting a school.

Are you ready for this? It’s a Jedi training school. I am starting a real-life Jedi training school in the real world. We are talking about a new kind of thing that synthesizes science and religion into a unified cohesive framework.



That is patently absurd.

Well, it’s a fairy tale, what did you expect? I am not trying to convince you, I am just sharing a thought trail that I followed that led to the inevitable conclusion that I need to start a Jedi training school. It might sound weird but I am trying on a new way of thinking about possible facts. Possible facts are fun that way. If you notice enough things and ask enough questions, all those noticings and wonderings eventually lead you into new kinds of thinking, which require new words, and some rethinking of what we think of as a fact, and the willingness to think of language itself as something that only describes one world, the world we are in. And so, if we want to create new worlds, we must be ready to invent new versions of language, because language is a kind of world-growing code.

And you won’t discover new ideas and new words that can be combined to create possible worlds until you start studying nature and noticing and wondering and forming hypotheses and designing experiments for yourself.

If you find your purpose, your purpose will lead you to notice and wonder about the things that you care about, and only you, with your unique mind and your unique eyes and ears and unique position in the world gives you a special and unique purpose. If you find your purpose, you will find that the world we are living in is just not really very well optimized for your purpose. And if you are a possibilitarian you will take a world-gardener point of view about it, because your world is your garden, and you have the right to grow it, and the world we are in has developed some pretty nifty tools that are mostly free and can be cobbled together well enough that we can prototype big crazy ideas on a global scale. We can develop every possible fact we can find and propose any world we can imagine, and we don’t need to choose. We can let the world choose from a giant catalog of possible worlds, and we are, right now, manifesting a global network of possibility thinkers and world-growers. And since you are reading this now I have an idea you might be one of those people I have started to call, inspired by a word I heard from my friend Greg Petroff, who is one, possibilitarians.

Experiments are a nice way to see if possible facts have the potential to become actual facts. We can design great experiments and make great hypotheses and predictions about what we think will happen when we perform the experiment. But we can’t ever actually know anything until we try the experiment.

And most people are just not that good at designing experiments, although they think they are, and if they are bad at designing experiments, they are even worse at interpreting results. We are packed up so full of wishful thinking, mixed with fear and anxiety, usness and themness, cognitive biases, and so on, that many people have a personal learning process that sort of just repeats and reinforces what everyone else is saying, and believes other people’s stories, especially if they come from authority figures, and so many people seem to walk around in that kind of hypnotized sleepwalking daze that the synchronicity these days seems to manifesting in the popular mind as zombies, wandering aimlessly and always mentally off somewhere other than where we actually are.

I was in New York less than two weeks ago and I walked by someone I knew. New York is a big place and especially if you are not from New York, you don’t expect to bump into someone you know on the street. But she was walking right at me and passing within inches and if I hadn’t said her name rather loudly and maybe a bit awkwardly I am pretty sure she would would have walked right by me. We are all sleepwalkinglike this most of the time. We are on autopilot. We live on autopilot because we live in an autopilot world, a world that wants us on autopilot, that wants us to be zombies, because zombies eat brains, and the enemy of the old order industrial world is a brain that is alert and paying attention.

And we are not only sleepwalking but we are slowly destroying ourselves and losing our souls in this mechanical, automatic world we have created. We eat and drink to fill the holes in our souls. We are numbing our pain with heroin. We are spending too much time hypnotized by screens.

So if you have an idea about a possible world, and you want to grow it, you have to start noticing and wondering and collecting possible facts, and letting those possible facts accumulate, and as you accumulate them start creating your programming language, which is just language that is composed of new or revised words and unique terms and definitions that you need, because you need them to develop the ability to see the world that you want in your mind, and then you can use those new words to introduce people to your possible world as a story. First an idea, then a collection of possible facts, and the new names you give to your new discoveries that then self-organize into a theory, which can be expressed first as a story, which is a kind of Trojan Horse or disguise, which allows you to test your code in various contexts until you find that it works, consistently, and how are you feeling right now about going down this rabbit hole with me?

I’m feeling a bit nauseous actually.

Okay, I’m sorry. Sit down. I felt that way too when this whole thing started coming on. I had to have my friend pull over his car so I could throw up. Let’s take a break. Just sit down and relax for a minute.

Would you like some tea?

A theory.

Remember, this is not a real theory. It’s a possible theory inside a science fiction story. I am really using the story to protect the idea from your judgment, because I need to flesh it out a little bit more before I can let you have it all for yourself. That will be the fun part. But I need to introduce it to you in a particular kind of way.

But I need to get on with telling you how to do this experiment.

First, you need to understand how it works and why it works. That is, you need to understand it if you want to actually use it to open doors in the real world, which is my goal for you. So in order to understand how it works (or might possibly work), I need to explain a theory. But don’t worry, it’s not science or anything, just a theory that frames an experiment inside of a science fiction story. Nothing to worry about.

Here’s the theory:

The Universe is conscious, and it has a purpose. The purpose of the universe is greater than anything we can imagine or comprehend.

It’s even more impossible to imagine than Star Wars was to my Kubrick-loving 14-year-old mind. Okay, Kubrick is great, I agree, but cold. It was an elegant and beautiful film, but is it a world you want to live in?

The Universe is pure purpose and consciousness, the enemy of entropy, expanding and unfolding and mysterious and incomprehensible and not only vast but getting vaster faster and faster!

And there’s a corollary: Every single living thing, which includes you and me but also every other living thing, from a bee to a flower to a cow to a dog and every other living thing, is conscious and has a purpose.

That theory is based on a lot of noticing and wondering and if you start noticing and wondering yourself and performing your own personal idiosyncratic experiments, I think you will find that the idea that we live in a dead and lifeless world is an assumptions that is simply unsupported by evidence, and the only excuse or saving grace I can think of for this bad, bad, science is that it made the industrial world possible. Because only those kinds of assumptions would allow us to be callous and cruel enough to do the things that we have done, and the thing about world-growing is that although you can learn from the mistakes of the past, the past is written and cannot be changed (Not by any Jedi trick I’ve figured out so far anyway. But since I am a possibilitarian, I have to admit that even that is possible!), but the future is not written. The future is being written, right now. And if you want to have the greatest possible influence on the future you have to become a world-grower, which is a combination of an artist and a scientist and an engineer.

We can test this together by experiment, but I think there is only that one assumption you have to change. One small assumption. Everything is conscious. And it will change your perspective of the world altogether. And if you use the language of possibilitarianism, it will inform your world view, and you will start to build a team of people and teach them the language you have created based on observing the things that matter to you, and that team can use that language to help you grow that world from a possible fact to an actual fact, which is an architectural and infrastructural fact, like, for example, Facebook or Amazon and Google and Netflix. Not long ago all of these worlds were possible but not actual. They are actual facts now because the visionaries wo grew them were world-growing visionaries, and we can grow more of them. We can grow 7.6 billion of them if we really want to. But I think it will be a much smaller set of beautiful visions that make it all the way to an actual architectural fact, which I think of as gardens but we can call platforms for now because that’s what everyone is calling them. Because when you create a new fork on the language you have to introduce new terms slowly and in the context of things that people already know.

Don’t worry, it’s just a theory inside a story. You can still have hamburgers and you don’t have to give up your car and start recycling just because you read a story. It’s just a story.

But if this were not a story but a theory, and if you were a religious person, you could say God here instead of the Universe, and if you’re an atheist you can just call it the expanding universe that sure does include a lot of unknowns and we certainly do have a lot still yet to learn! And if you’re lost maybe this might be a route that might help you find something. It’s just a story, how can it hurt anything to read a simple story?

Another observation, which creates a problem, which can be dissolved with a formula, which generates a game, that is also a strategy.

Observation: One big important obvious thing that not a lot of people are talking about is is that humans are a type of species that divides the world into us and them. We are constantly seeking others like us and constantly drawing lines between us and them.

We have grown up somewhat unsupervised, like children growing up in the woods. I never noticed any beings with higher consciousness watching over us. Or maybe we have parents, I don’t know. Nowadays I think it might be less about them not being there and more about me not noticing. Because reality and noticing are intimately connected. They actually kind of create each other.

All this division and ussing and themming was okay before we started connecting everybody onto this thing called the internet and started to create a global consciousness. What a headache we are causing the global consciousness right now!

Another observation which happens to be a direct experience: Well this is going to sound a little weird, but I think humanity has levels, and I think that I know this because I just achieved level two. Yes, I have leveled up. I am not sure yet if this is a learning path that can be replicated, but I think it can, because the Universe reveals her secrets to those who are patient, observe carefully and gently, and wonder. More about leveling up later, and if you join the School of the Possible we can go into it in depth. But all this only works, it only works, if you have a true and living purpose burning brightly in your soul. Short version: It’s awesome! But it might disrupt your sleeping patterns. Actually, it might possibly disrupt your whole life. Because working with possible facts is fascinating work. It can be compelling and addictive to see your ideas become real things, worlds even. It’s exhilarating but it’s also exhausting.

So now we are all caught up in this shitty broken angry world, connecting and clashing and arguing about facts and fake facts, and many of us are frustrated and some are angry and too many are in pain and so so many are lost. Lost and afraid. And we don’t feel like there’s anything we can do about it.

The problem boils down to this. There are too many us’s and too many them’s.

What about us? Why us? Why not us? Don’t let them get us! They hate us! We hate them! Stop them! Stand up to them! Get them! Kill them! Destroy them! Keep them out! Don’t let them in! Don’t listen to them!

Too many us’s and too many them’s.

Here is a rule or formula for reducing the complexity of this problem that also respects the complexity of this problem:

There can be only only one us, and there can be only one them.

I know that sounds pretty binary. And we could open another door of possibility and say that there are actually three sides: good, evil, and lost. Okay, let’s say three sides. Like you have in a baseball or football game. In a football game you have us, good, and them, evil, and all the people who sit on the sidelines. They sort of take a side but they are not really in the game, and they can choose to switch sides in the middle of the game if they want to. And in our game, one team is proposing a more beautiful world and actually playing a different game, a Jedi game, which will confuse and disorient the Sith, and by the time they figure out we are playing a different game, the game will be over and we will have won. Because I have devised a strategy that strikes ate the weakest points in the old order and if we all work together on this, the crappy elements of the old order will simply collapse. The soldiers who defend them will abandon their posts and join our side. Why? Because ours is the side of life, and fun, and play, and possibility. The world we propose is simply a better world, full stop, and all we have to do is follow the formula. A formula is not a possible fact but a promise, a promise that if you follow the recipe you will learn something and you will also make something at the same time, because making something is learning how it works. So in order to grow a world you need to think of your idea as an infant, and your purpose as the instrument or the source that provides the energy and the resources you will need to sustain and nourish yourself as you also nourish your baby idea, for ideas are our babies, and we need to give them a chance to become worlds.

So now I want you to imagine a giant stadium with two teams, and one team, the evil team, the Sith, come onto the field expecting one game, and the Jedi show up in a completely different way and with a different game. It looks enough like the old game to confuse and disorient the other team, but it’s played like a real game instead of a war. They show up with fake news and fake authority that nobody believes in any more and rubber bullets and tear gas and riot gear. But we will show up with Rey, and Leia, and lightsabers and Chewbacca and BB-8 and they will not know what to do. Because I have noticed another HUGE vulnerability in the industrial system that we can use in our world-growing strategy.

The industrial system was designed to be predictable and repeatable. And one of the things that is really frustrating about this big bureaucratic industrial systems is that they are unthinking and unfeeling. Theyy are cold and distant. Why do we feel that way? Because they are designed to be predictable and they operate according to the rules and algorithms that were designed into them. These algorithms make them efficient.

But here’s another key strategic weakness:

The industrial world’s efficiency has an unintended consequence. It makes them predictable. Which makes them vulnerable.

Nobody on the industrial platform ever thought about the possibility of a new order that would make them obsolete.

If you can predict every move your adversary will make, for the next seven turns, you can almost always devise a way to beat them. You just have to look at their policies and rule books. And when you run into a bureaucratic roadblock, like, that’s our policy, well, there’s nothing in the universe stopping you from having your own policy, and your policy can say fuck their policy, because that’s their policy anyways, isnt’t it? When they say they have a policy what they are really saying is that we are bigger than you so our policy trumps your policy. Well fuck that and fuck them, because the next platform, the one we are growing right now, will be grown around different assumptions. The universe is alive, dammit, and it’s conscious, and if you get in the way of its purpose you will be toast.

So I am proposing a formula, which is a promise (that’s a definition from the possibility dictionary), and also a game, that is a strategy to win and level-up to level two, or whatever number you want based on how you decide to count levels. I like simple and elegant theories so I am calling it level two. But call it whatever you want. It’s the next step in our evolution as a species. We take the next step or we go extinct. It’s that simple and it’s that important.

Okay, some people on the sidelines really get into it. Yeah, sure, those are the die-hard fans. And there are a lot of them and they will make a lot of noise. There will be a cacophony of information wars and fake facts flying around everywhere. But the game we will be playing is a different game, a higher game, dare I say a more evolved game. And since it is a game that pits level two humans against level one humans, I am confident we will win. We just need to get enough people to decide to join the game. I don’t know about you, but if I have a choice between sitting on the sidelines and being in the game, and the game is a strategy for releasing consciousness to a new level, then I can’t sit in the sidelines, I have got to be in the fucking game.

A provocation: Star Wars is a pattern language for possibility.

This is all just part of a theory that is behind an experiment within a science fiction story,

The next level of consciousness is not one that any individual human being can comprehend or understand. That’s what next levels are all about. Ask anyone who understands complexity theory and they will explain to you that it would be unlikely for an agent at a lower level in any natural hierarchy to comprehend what is going on at the next level of organization.

It’s unlikely, but now that I have achieved level two… Joking! Come on! But seriously, I can’t be the only one, so I know there are other people who know what I’m talking about. But if that’s true, why aren’t they talking about it?

Oh yeah, it’s because people will think they are crazy. Kooks. Unless someone comes up with a clever and creative idea like disguising a revelation as a theory inside a science fiction story. No, really, I’m joking. No, I’m not joking. Well, you decide if I am joking. Here’s the evidence:

This story is a science fiction story that popped into my head because May 4th is just around the corner and I thought that, well, I had already been thinking about the idea of announcing a World Possibility Day, because why not, because holidays are part of the rhetoric of world-growing, and anyone can launch a day. Holidays celebrate revolutions and revolutionaries, and by celebrating they elevate, and by elevating their heroes and ideals they bring their possible facts closer to the realm of actual facts.

By the way, this is why all the fuss about monuments to Civil War heroes is such a big deal. Removing those statues is an act of dismantling. It’s urban renewal, because when you grow a world sometimes you need to tear down monuments to things you want to move away from.

So I was trying to think, in a world-growing, world-gardener sort of way, as we do, what would be the best day of the year for Possibility Day to be, and then kind of accidentally, I made a kind of lame Star Wars joke in my last post, because it was episode four, and the original Star Wars was episode four. And since this is going to be episode five, I thought, maybe I can make another Star Wars joke and publish it on May 4th, which as you may know is known as Star Wars Day, because May the fourth be with you, and it started as a kind of joke, and jokes and humor and the whole bag of trickster tactics that I have been collecting my whole life, turns out to lead to an inevitable chain of thinking that leads me to believe that May 4th needs to be World Possibility Day. There are some other weird interesting coincidences in my life that all seem to be pointing at May 4th. Like they will be happening on May 4th. I can’t tell you about them now. Maybe later .I don’t understand this, but I don’t need to understand it, because it makes complete sense that if there is a higher power, an emerging global consciousness, how could any of us know what it wants and needs? The only way you can know what the Universe wants is search inside yourself. Trust your feelings. Yes I know you saw what I did there. I am being utterly transparent, and to be transparent I need to introduce you to the language, and I am doing that now in the form of a story.

So then all of these thoughts collided, and I realized that Star Wars is a pattern language for possibility. That if we can imagine a univers like the Star Wars Universe, a galaxy like that, a universe like that — and if we can imagine something, it’s possible, so therefore a universe like that is a possible fact — because a core axiom of possibility thinking, or the force, or God, or whatever you want to call it, is this:

Axiom: Anything that can be imagined is a possible fact.

And if anything is possible then it’s possible to live in a universe that is rich with purpose and meaning and ever-expanding possibility.

And because this axiom is a theory, which is a possible fact, it doesn’t actually matter if some things are actually impossible, because within the realm created by the theory, ideas have rights. And an idea has a right to a fair trial. And just like any citizen of the United States has the right to be presumed innocent, and for the same exact reasons, any idea in the School of Possibility must be given the presumption of possibility.

Rule: An idea is presumed possible until proven otherwise.

Corollary: The fact that an idea was disproven in the past, or disproven by experiment by another person, is not evidence of impossibility.

It is getting late and I am getting tired. I am not old old, but I’m getting older, and if I am lucky enough to leave a legacy, I want to leave a legacy that’s fun, and playful, and includes everyone who wants to be there, that has room for everyone to have fun and be playful.

If we are going to do anything on May 4th, that is pretty soon. It’s getting late and I’m getting tired. It’s time for bed. And it’s just a story. But I think it’s a beautiful story. And if this story is only ever a story I’ll be happy, but if anything is possible, then every story is a possible fact, and if enough of the 7.6 billion people I’m telling this story to actually decide that this story is interesting enough to actually perform the experiment, maybe this possible fact might just have a tiny chance of becoming an actual fact.

So just on the off chance you might decide to actually do this experiment, I had better describe how to do it.

Why Star Wars?

Star Wars is a perfect tool for this, because that story created a notion of many beautiful, fun, adventurous possible worlds and a possible world that generates possible worlds, like the Star Wars universe, give us a pattern, a map, and a framework, that everyone who has seen even one Star Wars movie can unpack and use to communicate with other possibilitarians. Star Wars is like a secret, but open, code, and because it is open, and because it is connected to a strategy, we can share it with the entire global mind and anyone who knows their own purpose, and the purpose of the code, can use it to devise all kinds of word-growing, natural magic. Everyone can use the code in their own way, to create and then play the great infinite game that will allow us to avoid a pitched global armageddon. We can just skip it and let the negativists argue and sling alternative facts at each other while we grow the real team, the winning team, the possibilitarian team. And the possibilitarian team is the Jedi team, and we will draw different lines, new lines, global lines, between us and them, and this will allow us to divide and weaken every other group, because they will lose their possibilitarians, because all the possibilitarians will be pulled inexorably into the purpose-driven Jedi school that I have chosen to call the School of the Possible. The Star Wars strategy will allow us to follow the draft of the purpose-driven Universe and slipstream up to the next level, almost effortlessly, to human, level two.

Here are some actual facts about the Star Wars Universe. These observable facts make it the perfect pattern language for possibility in this moment.

  1. It is a story that is familiar across the world.
  2. It is a shared story that lights up the imagination and invites creative thinking about possible worlds.
  3. It is deeply familiar and deeply resonant, because it is based on the collected and synthesized myths and legends of humanity, as well as the stories from the world’s great religions.
  4. Because it is a synthesis, and because it is a science fiction story, it is a world that is decoupled from any religion, sect, political affiliation or real-world counterpart. It is completely and utterly a science fiction world. It is only a possible fact, and a possible fact it will remain. But it’s a possible fact that belongs to the world now, and because it belongs to the world, it’s code, code we can use to break out of our current dillema by transcending it.

For these reasons, it is the perfect tool for redrawing the lines between good and evil. The Star Wars Universe is alive, and every atom in it is conscious, and it is capable of generating an infinite number of possible facts.

We can redraw the lines between us and them. by remaking ourselves and rethinking ourselves along different lines, simpler lines, and instead of showing up in the ordinary universe every day, we can choose to show up in the Star Wars universe every day. Even without a costume we can do this. Because this imaginary world has become real to us, we have imbued it with purpose and meaning, and the Force is all the religion we need right now, and it’s not a religion but a possible fact, an idea, a concept, that reduces all science and religion into a mystical but coherent and living whole that is much greater than the sum of the parts.

Star Wars is only a metaphor for the world we want, but metaphors are important because they help us frame and comprehend he world, because we understand new, unknown things by comparing them to more familiar, known things, and Star Wars is a known thing that maps pretty well, not perfectly, but pretty damn well, to the world we possibilitarians want to manifest from possible fact into actual fact.

In the Star Wars universe, anything is possible, and if you decide to show up to work as a Star Wars character, even if it’s all in your mind and you are not wearing a costume, and you don’t tell a soul, it will still change the way you operate, because you will know that you are part of the rebel alliance. You are a freedom fighter. And right now this is only a possible fact, but if you have activated your true purpose you already know that this possible fact is a compelling one, and you level-two humans that are reading this can skip to the end if you want, but for everyone else this is a demo and we need to do it slowly and carefully.

And if we all do this experiment, applying Star Wars as a pattern language to escape from and transcend our current dilemma, it will be easy, because we all know the Star Wars universe well enough to give each other secret signs and signals, so it won’t matter if it looks like we are on opposite sides, because the Star Wars signals and a wink and a nod here and there is all it will take.

Because what you don’t realize yet, but what is clear from a level-two perspective, is that we are starting to outnumber them. They are sitting behind their walls worrying about how they are going to protect their assets and they are looking at spreadsheets and making plans, but we have infiltrated their ranks, don’t you know, and even in the highest towers and bastions of power and corruption, there are a few who already know the end is coming, and many of the people you now think of as enemies are actually possible friends and allies and colleagues, because when you really think about it, who wants to live in a dead, unconscious world, when you can live in a conscious world that is plentiful with good and evil and play and adventure and fun, and a universe that is good and beautiful and purposeful and expanding? For anyone who still has a shred of humanity left in them, there’s no contest. No choice. One value proposition is clearly better than the other, and this can be demonstrated conclusively.

But the conclusive demonstration, the proof, is only accessible by experiment, by personal experiment. its an easy experiment to conduct, but for it to succeed, a sufficient number of people must adopt the theory of possibility. You don’t have to believe the theory is true to try the experiment, but in a strange and paradoxical inversion of industrial science, this experiment is also a vote, and the number of people conducting the experiment will determine the success of the experiment. This is the way nature experiments, and we used to know how to do this, but we have forgotten how to do it.

But don’t worry, you don’t have to do anything, because this is just a story.

The theory that opens the game world that is also a strategy.

The Star Wars strategy is a guerrilla strategy. It is a strategy based on a concept called asymmetrical warfare. It is the kind of strategy that allows the weak to successfully resist the strong. It is the reason the US lost the war in Vietnam. We were not outfought, we were outthought.

History is on our side but at the moment we are the weaker force. I say we because you are starting to understand what team I am on, right? And you are starting to absorb the idea that a 21st-century strategy is a world-growing strategy. It is a strategy with embedded assumptions based on real observation and experiment that is being done in a totally different, more creative, and more constructive paradigm.

An indirect strategy draws new lines that disrupt the adversary’s world view by developing a shared situation awareness, a concept of operation, that is clear and simple and tangible enough that it enables a distributed force with limited communications to coordinate and act as one. If we can do this we will have a team that is aligned and operating on different assumptions than our adversary. World-growing gives you a perspective that is unique and valid and supported by evidence based on a unique world view that you have devised and supported by observation and experiment.

To win, we need a way to redraw the lines in your mind between good and evil, so not only you, but everyone in the world, has perfect clarity about where they stand and what they need to do. And we can do this, but we can’t do it by telling people what they ought to do or what side to be on. Their own response to this complex dilemma must come from a place deep inside them.

We all have an inner compass that just needs to be found and tuned. It not only provides a north star, it provides a needle that points toward true north at all times, with very little noise or distortion. That compass is called your purpose, and if you want to be part of growing a new and better world, it is job one. Job one is discovering and activating your purpose. If you haven’t done this yet, it’s your only job. Anyone who has not discovered their purpose will be watching this one from the sidelines.

We have too many camps and too much bickering and it is creating too much noise. We are unwittingly, but now that we have a few level two people, more consciously, with a lot of noticing and a sense of real wonder, that we are unconsciously creating a new level of consciousness. In a way, we are the parents of this new global mind. It will be our child as well as our guardian, and we want it to be a good child. We want it to have a wonderful and happy life. We are the cells that make up its mind. And I’m doing everything in my power to make sure it’s a beautiful mind.

Remember. There can only be one good team and only one evil team. And the lines between the good team and the evil team are constantly shifting and changing. Evil can convert to good, and vice versa. So you can’t fixate on the binary nature of all this. People are complex, we know that. The world is complex. We know that. But a game with a million intersecting and conflicting agendas and a lot of noise and conflict is a toxic game that nobody can win, it will be a long bloody violent conflict with no clear resolution, like so many of our global conflicts these days.

I am proposing a game that is simple and clean, that we can all play in the real world, using techniques and strategies that are designed for complexity, because complexity is what nature is all about, and the way to unravel and understand complexity is to dive into it and live within and among it, and to figure it out. That is how nature works.

We are growing a global mind, and everything we do today is a kind of input to that mind. We cannot know this mind, or know its purpose, or know its intentions. But we can do our best to ensure that it receives clear and coherent signals about what kind of place we want the universe to become. Because we all get a vote in creating this next level human, human level two, and we cannot take the chance of casting toxic votes. We cannot allow the possibility (because it is a possibility) that we will create a global mind that is sick. We do not want to imbue it with anger and fear and hatred. We need to fill it with clean, pure ideas, ideas of possibility and creativity and curiosity and delight.

We cannot know the global mind in this moment. This is a moment of original magic as well as deep natural logic, that you will have to confirm by performing this experiment for yourself. You can’t take anyone else’s word for it. You have to do it yourself. We may know it intimately one day. I’m not sure. Maybe that’s level three.

To understand why we have to go deeper into the theory that lurks behind the strategy.

Why the Sith are not the real enemy.

Now I am going to have to explain some things about the Star Wars Universe that may or may not be in the actual Star Wars Universe, but need to be inserted or tweaked in order for the pattern language to work. Consider it a fork into a parallel Star Wars universe.

Assertion: A Jedi cannot pursue their purpose and fight the Sith at the same time.

Supporting observation and explanation: Most of the time, Jedi are pursuing their purposes and ignoring the Sith altogether! Jedi cannot fight the Sith for too long without becoming Sith themselves, so this is a thing to be avoided if possible. Because the purpose is the thing that a Jedi cares about. Not fighting. The only enemies a Jedi ever has are those who would distract or deter them from their purpose.

The Jedi only only fight the Sith when they need to. The Jedi are playing a different game. They are possibility generators, world-growers. The Jedi are possibilitarians. The Jedi will only fight the Sith when the Sith (or anything else for that matter) happen to be perfectly and exactly and squarely in between the Jedi and their purpose.

When the Jedi meet a Sith, they don’t see an enemy. They see a person who has become lost, who has strayed or become disconnected from the true purpose. And a true Jedi will only fight Sith if it is the last possible resort, because a Sith Lord is simply a Jedi who became lost when they strayed from the one true path.

I know it seems like they fight a lot, but that’s only in the movies. You are forgetting the null hypothesis: They don’t make a lot of movies about the long periods of peace and happiness in the Star Wars Universe because they would be less entertaining. There is just less action. Maybe when enough of us reach level two, we can start telling those kinds of stories, stories about world-gardeners and the kinds of worlds they create, and how, and why.

So really, people, we have to spend less time and energy on the little games and more time and energy on the big game, the infinite game. We must put purpose first.

Rule: Purpose first, and conflict only when the Sith are directly in between us and our purpose; and even then, to send in our shock troops with love and laughter and lightsabers and tauntauns and robots and alien life forms with buggy eyes.

You can stick with your tribe, but show up in uniform. Show up as Darth Vader, or Boba Fett, or R2D2, or C3PO. And even if we are on opposite sides in an argument, we will see each other. We will laugh and we will get it and people will ask what’s going on and we will let them in on the joke, and we will have one big global tribe that intersects with all the other petty conflicts and arguments and pissing fights and finger pointing, with one clean simple line that connects us while at the same time it intersects and divides all the forces of entropy and darkness. A clean and simple line.

And it’s a clean and simple line, suggested by a theory that was derived through direct observation of the natural world, an interesting and intriguing theory of possibility.

The beauty of this line is that you can easily determine which team you are on by conducting a simple experiment that I will share with you shortly, an experiment that will set you on the path of possibility.

The first step on the path to possibility (and you are way past the first step now, you are already noticing and wondering your way deeper and deeper into the labyrinth) is learning the language and recipes of the arts and sciences of possibility, developing your own unique and personal kind of science, that requires you to look inside yourself and perform some experiments in there as well as the outside world. The arts and sciences of possibility are new arts and sciences. There is only one research program that I know of, which is the one that I started, and the search that started as a personal inquiry into the nature of possibility now requires a global research program and a global network of committed, activated, purpose-driven possibilitarians.

We need to be committed and activated because it doesn’t run on money. You can’t quit your day job. You have to prioritize based on what’s important to you and how much energy you want to put into growing tomorrow out of today. Because I am going to be focused on nurturing and incubating possible facts, doing my best to ensure they get a fair shake and a chance for a long and happy life.

Possibility experiments that are both objective and subjective because their purpose is not only to discover things that are outside of us. We also need to discover things that are inside us. And we need to do a better job of mapping the outside to the inside, to create cleaner and more perfect feedback loops that allow us to navigate the world like the Jedi do.

The theory and lexicon of possibility all unfold and bloom out of one small inversion of one simple assumption, which happens to be a tenuous assumption that the entire industrial world is built on, and depends on for its legitimacy, a legitimacy that is based on a lie that is easily exposed, but which has eluded the attention of many of us, a lie that claims that life is meaningless, and the world is cold and inanimate, and filled with automatons that only seem to be conscious, and that humanity doesn’t have a purpose or a destiny or a soul.

Well I say fuck that. The universe is alive. Are you with me?

What a fraud. What an obvious and utter fraud! The emperor has no clothes. And all you have to do is look at the world through the lens of the theory of possibility, and it becomes obvious what’s going on. You can’t not see it.

Show up in uniform and make people laugh. Make people curious. Talk about possibilities. Remember that we don’t have to draw lines by anybody else’s rules.

Possibility principle: We can play by our own rules, and our rule is to play by our own rules!

Whatever you do, do it playfully, because play is like war but it’s also the opposite of war. That’s the choice. Not us or them. Play or war. I choose play.

Okay, so now do you understand that this story is also a theory that suggests a strategy that gives birth to a game? A game for unlocking the next level of consciousness? A game to ensure that the next level of consciousness is good and not evil?

Don’t worry, it’s just a story. Not a fact. Just a possible fact. You don’t have to act on it or do anything about it. Science fiction stories are just stories. Fantasies for escaping from reality. Not tools. Not tools for world-growing a global mind we can’t even comprehend.

The experiment, which involves a proclamation, and a provocation to launch an infinite game.

Remember, I am not just telling you a story here but giving you a demo on world-growing. Don’t forget how I introduced myself in episode four. I learned my teaching method in design school, where we have a studio model. And in a studio model you apprentice to a master, and you assist them and get them coffee and clean their brushes and do other shit jobs in exchange for the privilege of watching them work. It’s not classroom learning, it’s earned learning. All masters need apprentices and the basic deal there is not a monetary one, it’s a human one that is fueled by purpose.

Reminder: Do you recall that the studio model has a method called watch one, do one, teach one?

Because the implied agreement when a master gives a demo is that this is your teaching. You get to watch it once, so watch closely. Practice your noticing and wondering skills. Because the next one you are going to do for yourself, and the time after that, you will be giving a demo to the next purpose-driven learner who is hungry enough for knowledge to invest time in creating their own future by watching a demo.

There will be plenty demos to come, but this is a big one. It’s a demo for how to introduce a new platform to the world. Maybe there is a better possible demo but this is the best one I am able to manifest right now.

Proclamation: I hereby declare May 4th World Possibility Day.

On May fourth, we will introduce the infinite game. Show up in uniform. Your Star Wars regalia will feel like every other May 4th. Everyone will have a good time and when you show up as a Star Wars character you can say, it’s just for fun, you know, for the gang, we need to lighten up a bit around here, we need to build morale!

Hey. I’m not really serious, You don’t have to do it! It’s just an experiment inside a theory inside a science fiction story. Come on.

But you know that we have to do it, don’t you?

Provocation: World Possibility Day, 2018, is a historic day, because it will be the day that history will remember as the first shot fired in the possibilitarian revolution.

Are you serious?

Yes. And this document is the declaration of independence. It’s a declaration that facts are not the property of the state. It’s a declaration that we all have the right to grow our own state, because we are all creators, we are all scientists, we are all engineers. We are observers inquiring about the nature of things and protecting and nurturing ideas, because ideas are possible facts, and every possible fact deserves a fair shake at the pursuit of happiness and a long, productive life. A fair shake, not a guarantee. Because world-growing is about creating possibilities, and nature has selection mechanisms as well as possibility generators.

World Possibility Day is only the first day, and not much will change on the first day. But quietly, on May 4th, members of the possibilitarian rebel aliance will find each other, and meet, and formulate their strategies and plans that apply this bog, global, grand strategy to their local situations, and since May 4th is only the beginning, you will not only show up as a Star Wars character on May 4th, but you will remain a Star Wars character, cloaked if necessary, and you don’t need to tell anyone until you spot another possibilitarian, maybe because of their T-shirt or a tiny plastic Stormtrooper on their desk, and it will be through tiny, unobtrusive signals like this that we will organize and coordinate the resistance.

You will spend the entire day, Possibility Day, noticing and wondering. I will give you the secret to Jedi research before I finish this story, and you can begin to do it this Friday.


Thinking about it.

After May 4th, which is a Friday, you will go home and spend the next week noticing and wondering. And you might leave the Star Wars decorations up, or maybe you will just forget to take them down, and you will start telling people, not everyone, but the ones that you trust, that you’re part of the rebel alliance, and maybe you can tell them this story, or your version of it, and maybe you can get them to join the game.

Yes, it’s a story, but it’s also a game. A game with a lot of thought behind it. A silly game, an absurd game, but a game designed to point at the ludicrous and undeniably absurd foundations that are still there, but are clearly obsolete and need to fall away. Because the game is necessary to simplify the battle for the global consciousness

Prediction: If we make this a pitched, entrenched, long and drawn-our war for global consciousness, we will all lose.

But the future is not written, it is being written. It is being written as we speak.

We have the power to shift the future, to make it something new and beautiful and fractal and strange and complex and delightful and animated with life. We have the power to make it fun, and funny. Hilarious, but not in a mean or mocking or satirical way. We don’t topple the foundations of the old order by confronting them and violating their territory — because the industrial world, because it is based on a theory of division, is far more territorial than the digital world, which is based on a theory of connection — and pissing them off. You don’t provoke big territorial beasts that can kill you by poking them with sharp sticks. It’s just not a good strategy.

No, here’s what we do. We break through this whole conflict thing, we break through it and we go beyond it and we operate at a whole other level, a world-creating, world-growing level. And when you are able to see this game from a world-growing perspective, you begin to understand that every crack in the old-order reality is an opening where the unfolding shoots and leaves of possibility can poke in.

Oh, yes, this is also a theory about good and evil, and two sides, but the two sides are not fighting the same fight. In fact the Jedi are playing a different game than the Sith, and that’s why it’s so important for every Jedi and every possible Jedi to get involved in this consciousness-leveling-up thing that we are doing.

Conclusion: Star Wars is a pattern language for possibility.

Everyone who is familiar with Star Wars knows that it’s not just a story, it’s a Universe. It’s a Universe of expanding possibility. Every new story adds worlds and possibilities we didn’t imagine before. And universes that open up possibilities also open up more universes of possibilities! Most people have seen Star Wars, but some people haven’t. On May 4th, if you can, find someone who hasn’t seen Star Wars and make sure they see it. Because you don’t want to be alive in 2018 and miss out on a key that could possibly unlock a higher level of human consciousness! Do you? No way anyone should miss that.

I wonder: Does Star Wars open up the possibility of an infinite game that can disarm the old order?

I think it does. We are outgrowing the old order anyway. It is obsolete. It will crumble and fall away. The order they are defending will collapse when we decide to make the next level of consciousness a Star Wars level.

Let Star Wars be our blueprint for the future. If that universe isn’t big enough we can bring in other universes to help. We already have so many universes in our minds to choose from. Science fiction and fantasy are the literature of possibility. Actually, all fiction is the literature of possibility. Wait, come to think of it, science and engineering are possibility sciences, aren’t they?

This is just a story. Just a story. A story that contains a theory within which you might find an experiment.

An experiment that just might, if enough people try it, catalyze a series of cascading events that just might lead to us all generating a higher consciousness that we will not be able to understand. It’s possible.

And this experiment is pretty easy. It involves fighting injustice with costumes instead of bombs, with lightsabers instead of guns. With love and laughter and forgiveness in our hearts. Easy to do.

But you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. But I want you to. But I want you to want to. Do you want to?

Bring your love and your open heart and your curiosity and creativity and play and bring it all into the real world and help us create a universe of ever-expanding possibility. Life is creation and the creation is about generating possibilities. We are growing a great global networked consciousness. We will not ever comprehend this level of consciousness, but we want it to be good. We need it to be good. If it’s not good, it will not be in tune with the universe, and the universe has a purpose, and all living things are conscious and in tune with it, and, well, I thin’ I already told you what happens to anything that gets in the way of the purpose of the universe. Let’s just say it doesn’t stay in the way very long.

And if the entire human race, if our species, decides we want to fight each other, black against blue, rich against poor, left against right, blue against red, cross against crescent, and so on, and so on; if we do decide to go that way, I think the universe will probably say, okay, well, you had your shot humans, move over and give some other life form a chance. And that will be a shame because instead of growing and expanding to become part of a higher power we will end up in the entropy dust heap.

But that is not the possible future that spontaneously generates the greatest number of possible futures, and I am a possibilitarian, so that is not the future I am growing. I am growing the future that is enriched by

What makes us so arrogant to think we are the end point of evolution, that we have achieved the highest level and there are no more levels to be achieved? Look around. Ask any scientist who is familiar with complexity theory. Ask them if they think a cell can comprehend the thing it’s a part of. Is a brain cell conscious? And if it is, could it ever understand you? How would you know?

Well, now you do know. Everything is conscious. Because you read it in a story that had a theory inside it, and inside the theory was an experiment and a strategy, and inside the strategy was an infinite global infinite improvisational game with simple rules.

What are the rules of the game?

Here are the rules.

  1. Don’t show up in this universe. Show up in the Star Wars universe. When you whisper “May the Force be with you” we will see you. When you show up as a Sith, we will know you are not a real Sith, because a real Sith would never let this become a game, because a real Sith can see through the Jedi tricks and the thing the Sith dread more than any conflict is being the punch line of a joke. Every see a Sith tell a joke? Humor is not their strength.
  2. Use the Star Wars pattern language to communicate with the rest of the resistance. When you say, help me, Obi Wan, you’re my only hope, and I say, trust your feelings, we will know each other, and we will know that we are on the same side. Even if we happen to find ourselves on opposite sides, we will be on the same side. Because we choose to draw the lines in a different way.
  3. Don’t ever forget that we are all people. Even when you are an obstacle, a barrier, standing between a Jedi and their purpose, you are still a person. That is a strength of the Jedi and a weakness of the Sith. You see, the Jedi view every living thing as conscious and worthy of respect. The Sith are only interested in immortality, power, domination and control. These different world views lead to different cultures, a culture of the possible and a culture of control. All these us’s and them’s are really all just people. They are not good or evil, they are just people. And anyone who is on the other side today is just one tiny assumption away from being on the side of purpose and potential and possibility. Just one.
  4. Poke at the assumptions. The only assumption that needs to shift is the one that we are the only conscious living thing, and they everything else is just unconscious, automatic or dead inside. That’s the only assumption that has to flip. It simply has to flip to another assumption, that the universe is alive and conscious and it is an emergent expanding force of purpose and possibility. One tiny assumption. One tiny little flip. And the whole world turns on its head, and suddenly we live in a conscious universe, with good and evil precisely defined. Good is finding your purpose, and activating it by proclaiming it and setting yourself in motion towards it, and beauty is what you create when you create something that moves you further toward your purpose, and the new world we are all going to create will be driven not by money or corrupt and cynical information warriors but by us, the possibilitarians, the Jedi, the people of the way of the possible.
  5. Use your joy and your playfulness and have fun. Humor is not a strength of the Sith. But it is our strength. Joy, and love, and hope, and laughter, and play. These are the tools of that we will use to bring the new order into being, the methods that will generate our new foundations, our new beginnings, our new possibilities that we can only begin to imagine.

We have always lived in a world of alternative facts.

The coming world will be a creative world, a beautiful world, a world we will only see if we can level-up to the next level, level two of human existence. Level two is here. Some people are already living at level two.

What, really? There’s a level two?

I thought I told you this was a story. A science fiction story. Are you really asking me about the validity of a theory inside a fairy tale? Well, it could be true! It’s a story, and a story is a possible fact. So it might have happened. It’s just a story. You decide.

Did you know, that if enough people agree about something it becomes a fact? Ask any scientist. They call it peer review. It’s true for scientific facts, but what the scientists don’t tell you is that it’s actually true for every fact. And we, most of us anyway, have decided to accept the idea that if someone is an expert in something, and because experts have peer review, that when they say something is a fact we should just shut the fuck up and live with it, because a fact is a fact. But facts are slippery creatures. They are really just ideas that want to stay alive. And who can blame them? Eventually, they become obsolete and are replaced with new facts. And in our current, broken, money-driven system, when people have a lot of money, they can corrupt the fact-making machine. Anyone has access to the world-growing technologies can generate facts like nobody’s business. As many have demonstrated (it’s clear if you have eyes and are observing what’s happening), it’s easy to build a fact-factory that can churn out facts to justify any reality you choose to live in.

We live in a world of alternative facts. But think about that for a minute. Alternative facts are also possible facts. They are simple tools. And evil people can use them just like good people can use them. But most alternative facts are disinformation. They are really just entropy masquerading as propaganda. They are distractions.

Some alternative facts are better than others.

Alternative facts that are based on careful observation and good questions are more than alternative facts. They are alternative possibles that if given a chance might grow up to become alternative realities. Wouldn’t it be cool if we could imagine the Star Wars Universe out of our minds and into an actual fact? And if we are building a global consciousness and we can some how imbue it or infuse it with powerful forces and playfulness and infinite gamesmanship, maybe, just maybe, I can imagine that we might even generate or discover or find some kind of force that we decide to just call The Force, and we will develop into real Jedi, with real Jedi skills and powers that seem today to be too fantastical to be possible. But the imagination is itself a possibility generator, and I think I mentioned earlier that I am right now starting a Jedi training center we are calling the School of the Possible, and the school is based on a research program conducted within the industrial world but outside its assumptions and parameters. And that is why we will win. Because their minds are stuck within their parameters and ours are not.

Propaganda can only create fear and anxiety in people who have not found and activated their purpose. When you understand that the universe is conscious and that your purpose is always in perfect alignment with the purpose of the universe, your purpose gives you an inner certainty, and you know what to do.

When you know your true purpose, you know what to do so deeply and completely that you instinctively start doing it. Every cell in your body will start pulling you toward your purpose, as soon as you discover what it is. So, if you follow my reasoning, there is absolutely no reason to delay, because the sooner you discover and activate your purpose, the sooner you will start on the path of the Jedi, and the sooner you start on that path, the sooner you will get to level two human.

What keeps people from finding their purpose?

There is a reason that many people don’t look for their purpose. They convince themselves that there’s no such thing. That the universe is mostly unconscious. That we are the only creatures that have language (Ha!). That we are the sole custodians of consciousness. If you think about that idea for just one minute, really think about it for a minute, you will realize what a ridiculous theory that is. I don’t have to show you. This is something we are all capable of seeing for ourselves. All I am doing is making the observation and pointing it out. And you will understand, when I show you the Jedi trick, that simply noticing things and asking questions about them, and being playful about the whole thing, is all we have to do, and everyone will start seeing that the emperor has no clothes, and instead of the Great and Majestical Oz we will find a timid old man with a pleasant disposition who will laugh and say, I was wondering what would take you so long!

Because deep down the wizards and everyone else knows that the old world is broken and crumbling, and we are all weary of that world and the ugliness and callousness and conflict it has caused us, and we are ready for a holiday, a festival, a celebration of the big break with the past that we all need to make, so we can all have a fresh start in a new paradigm of expanding possibilities that we will all create, together.

The universe is bigger and more amazing and more conscious that we ever imagined, and there’s a break in the old order that gives us a chance to achieve level two of human consciousness in our lifetime.

Our future will be creative, full of possibility, magical and alive. And all of these things are possible because the universe is not dead but alive, and all living things are conscious, and they, and we, are all a part of it, and the only thing we need to do to prove it to ourselves is to show up in the Star Wars Universe and start practicing a simple Jedi research trick that is super-simple and easy to learn.

Okay, it’s a science fiction story that has a theory inside it, with an experiment inside the story, an experiment which is also a game, which is also a strategy for opening a door that will open a new universe of possibility. But what a story!

A Jedi mind trick.

I can’t ask you to launch an infinite game without giving you at least one tool to get you started. I am going to share a Jedi Mind trick with you. Because the true power of the Jedi derives from the unique viewpoint that they have. It happens to be a possibilitarian perspective.

Okay, so here’s a Jedi trick that works in the story. It might not work in the real world. You will have to test and validate that for yourself. But it works in the story. You see what I just did there, right?

Whenever a Jedi notices a bug, or a crack, or a problem in the world, they notice it, and they think about it, and they ask a question about it. And they write it down in a little notebook they carry around. Well, okay, it’s not a notebook, they Jedi don’t actually carry a notebook around. Not that I’ve seen, anyway. I think they actually do this inside their minds,and they share their notes with each other using a kind of hive-mind telepathy that we haven’t figured out yet. But since it can be imagined, we know it is possible.

Unfortunately, we don’t have those kinds of powers yet, at least, I don’t, but if you want to try this, just for fun, you could do it. You could tweet it, for example. It’s that simple, and it has to be, because Jedi notice cracks in reality all the time, and every crack is either a problem or an opportunity, but it’s always an opening to a new possibility.

The way they take their noticing notes has two pieces to it, a noticing piece and a wondering piece. Both are important and they have to be paired together. This is what they write. An observation followed by a question.

#inoticed (and then they write something that they noticed).

#iwonder (and then they write something they wonder about that thing)?

This pairing is both an observation and a question that sets a direction for search. The observation is necessary, but the question is also necessary, because you only begin to become a world-gardener when you wonder about something you noticed. The pairing of something you observed with something you wonder about is the boiled-down, simplified structure of an idea, a possible fact with world-growing potential. The creation of a new world begins when you notice a crack in existence and decide to follow wherever it leads. This is what it feels like to live in purpose and flow. I am experiencing that right now and I want this feeling for you, too.

The wondering will always be unique to you, and the wondering will point you in a direction, and when you accumulate enough observations and questions, then you will begin to form a unique theory about the world that is based on your personal observations and insights, and that theory is also the foundation of your vision, and because your purpose is perfectly aligned with the purpose of the universe, by definition, tautological definition actually, to you, but to me it’s not tautological because it has been confirmed by direct experience that the ideas, strategies, tools, and methods developed within the context of the theory simply work. They are effective, and you don’t even have to believe that they work, you just have to be intrigued and curious enough to try them and see, and when you do try them sometimes they surprise even me by how well they work, even though I have been using them for years. And sometimes I find a new thing that works and I am unable to figure out why it works, and that’s frustrating, but that’s what a life of research is all about.

#inoticedand #iwonder will never steer you wrong. It’s a safe Jedi trick, and you can’t do a lot of damage with it, and there are so many glitches in the matrix right now that there is an abundance of them to notice and wonder about, so it’s a good place to start.

Here’s an example that is personal to me:

#inoticed that @AmerenMissouri has a policy that any new electrical hookup requires a totally new line from the house to the street.

#iwonder if this policy is simply a sneaky way for @AmerenMissouri to avoid responsibility for maintaining its own infrastructure?

It’s a pretty neat trick. You notice, and you wonder. The noticing is an observation about the world. When you hit a bump or an obstacle or a wall, and you feel stuck, and frustrated, and just really mad, well if you have a purpose and you are pursuing it like a Jedi, then anything that stands between you and your purpose is a big bug indeed, a major flaw, because within every Jedi is a purpose that burns for possibility, and since every living thing has a purpose, and every single purpose is in perfect alignment with the purpose of the Universe, and since Jedi have discovered their purpose,

Once you flip the switch in your mind to the opposite setting on the consciousness assumption, where the universe and everything in it is alive and purposeful, instead of cold and dead and inert, all the other elements of the theory of possibility will start to come together. The dots inside your mind will light up and connect, and you will see this great big transition in a fundamentally new way, a new way that points in a direction that will help us escape from the trap.

So I am calling on my network. I’m calling on you. My global network of fellow Jedi, you know who you are, I am calling all Jedi, in fact I am calling to everyone on the planet, every possibilitarian in the universe, all who want to propose alternative worlds, all who believe in the power of possibility. I’m calling everyone out there who has achieved level two. If you know what I mean by level two, then you already know how to find me. I’m activated.

March in the streets, but March with lightsabers! Go out on strike, but show up as a Wookie or a Jawa or whatever character you love the most. If you see a bug or a crack in the old world, #notice it and #wonder about it! Practice #noticing the things that are wrong, that are broken, that shouldn’t exist. Practice wondering what might be different or what you wish was there instead of that barrier. Notice and wonder out loud, because Jedi are all around you and they are all listening. Remember, they are good at noticing.

How will you know when you have run into a possibilitarian?

There are some signs. How will you know them?

  1. A possibilitarian will give because something is easy to give, not because they want something in return.
  2. A possibilitarian will know what their purpose is, they will tell you, and they will have a track record that shows that they have earned it. And if you observe them, you will see it reflected in everything they do.
  3. A possibilitarian will connect you to other activated purposes without expecting anything in return.

Remember, all this is just a theory, and a theory is only a possible fact. You don’t have to believe it is true to keep reading because I am going to give you a way to test it for yourself.

The Big Bang at the end.

Okay, here’s the Big Bang. Stories and theories and experiments and strategies and games are not facts. They are possible facts. But if you understand how to work with possible facts, you are beginning to learn the tools of possibility. They are fun to learn. They are playful tools. They generate not only possibility but love, laughter, insight and delight.

The Big Bang is that I want to give you a couple of assignments. Things that will be pretty easy to do. Things you can do right here, right now, today, that will have immediate positive impact on the world that is in a state of turmoil, angst, and pain.

Assignment 1. Activate the nodes.

This global mind we are growing has a few simple rules that bring it into being. The world we are growing is a networked world. It will have hierarchies, of course, like we can see in all of nature, but in essence it is a network, build around individuals with passion and purpose. and the fundamental building block is an activated node. Each node in the network is an individual person with a purpose that has been activated. It does not do any good to connect to a node that has not been activated by its true purpose. Therefore the first and most important business of the resistance is to activate nodes. Every activated node grows the global mind by one, and when enough nodes are activated, we will reach the tipping point, and the cascading effects will kick in, and we will be on to the next great infinite adventure game, the quest for level three.

Three rules for activation.

  1. Nodes must be activated to connect. An activated node can only connect with another activated nodes.
  2. Nodes are activated when they have discovered and articulated their true purpose, which is aligned with the purpose of the universe.
  3. Once a node has been activated, it does not need any further attention. The activation of the purpose is a catalyst, and once you have confirmed that a node is activated, the node will do the rest. Activated nodes are motivated by purpose and the purpose is all they need to know to start moving in the right direction and connecting and aligning with other nodes.

Notice: In every conversation, make a habit of sneaking in a question about personal purpose. An activated person will know. A person who is not activated will not know. There can also be false positives, and these can usually be spotted pretty easily, because if you are activated you are, or soon will be, operating at a different level, and you will by then spent enough time around activated people that you will simply know. You will know because the purpose has a human enemy or enemies articulated within it. That is a clear signal that the purpose is not aligned with the purpose of the universe.

Rule for action: If you notice a person who seems lost, has not found their purpose, or knows their purpose but has strayed from it, activate them!

Activate: Make yourself their mentor or their buddy. Chances are that they are lonely as well as lost. Start them on the path of #noticing and #wondering, and encourage them to keep at it. When they or you start to notice a pattern in the direction of the wondering, start asking questions about the patterns in the questions.

This is how I helped my wife discover — well, she hasn’t quite accepted this yet but she is getting curious about it — well, I think we have discovered it but maybe we are still triangulating. I am going to hazard an educated guess that her real passion and purpose is somehow related to potions. She is curious about cooking, and chemistry, and fluid dynamics and non-newtonian fluids and after noticing all the ideas and questions bubbling out of her one day I just saw that her purpose is potions, and I am now waiting to see if my hunch is right. Sometimes these things need to percolate for a while.

Assignment 2. Create your lab page.

Once a node has been activated, we have a new possibility researcher that will continue to focus on noticing, wondering, collecting ideas, growing their pool of possible facts, until a theory starts to form. This is a natural growth patter I have seen many times. Once a person is activated they have a lot of work to do and will need a lot of support.

The School of the Possible can’t do much for you until after you have been activated and have found your true purpose. Once you are activated, you will be a motivated learner. You will have tons of questions and you will know where to go to ask them, and you will have courage because your purpose gives you inner certainty, a vision for a better future, and a curious stance toward the world that will sustain you as you notice and wonder and visualize and design experiments and use the feedback to navigate to the next noticings and wonderings that will sustain you, fulfill you, and lead you on to the next adventure.

But we need something from all you activated nodes out there. We need you to declare your intentions and affiliate your search with our search. If your research fits under the big broad possibilitarian tent, which is big enough for all 7.6 billion people if everyone wants to be there, then we want you to link up with us. We have devised a standard interface for connecting that’s kind of like a profile page and no harder to do.

Remember, we vote for the future with our time and our money and our feet. So we don’t need your money, although we don’t have a problem with money and since the School of the Possible is a network, made up of purpose-driven people who are activated nodes in the new global consciousness, we care about your purpose first. We all have purposes and we all need to eat too, of course, so all of our labs and expeditions and platform development programs will have business models that are custom to that purpose-driven program, because if a possible fact is to manifest a new world into being, that world will need a sustainable model that allows everyone to have a sustainable life.

You don’t buy your way in to the School of the Possible. You earn your way in. The price of entry is activation. The application process is the creation of your lab page. When you see a new lab page up in the School of the Possible, you will know that you are looking at someone who has been accepted into our program based on a well-articulated purpose. We don’t evaluate them for content, only for structure. I do want to say right here and right now though that I am a pragmatist. I don’t mind breaking my own rules. So if you are trying to figure out how to game the rules, or subvert them, please move on from that notion. You are walking into a cantina filled with level-two humans you really don’t want to mess with.

So if you are already activated, please make us a lab page. Here’s how.

This call is for you.

We are getting near to the end of the story, which is not really an end but more like a beginning. This story is your call to adventure, the call that is irresistible because of its emotional appeal, inevitable logic, and practical necessity.

It’s for you, the person who has been sitting on the sidelines, because all the negativity and visciousness is just gross and you want no part of it. Or maybe you haven’t seen the team yet that you want to join.

It’s for you, the person who feels lost and alone in a cold, dead, meaningless universe. I have shown you a switch you can flip that could change everything. Will you flip it and see what happens?

It’s for you, the mole, the purpose-driven individual who is activated or nearing activation, but feels stuck in an organization that you love and want the best for, but that happens to be paralyzed, or toxic, or stuck.

It’s for you, the already-activated nodes. We need your lab page to consolidate our research program. There are an infinite number of possible facts to investigate, and we will get better much faster if we explore them together.

It’s for you, whoever you are, the person I haven’t named yet, but I see you too, thinking about what I am saying, and wondering if such simple things like noticing and wondering and showing up as a character in the Star Wars Universe will actually make the slightest bit of difference at all.

And this is why I have stretched my story out so long, and strung it out in such a convoluted and redundant and long-winded way. Because I had to think my way through this, and since it was a demo I had to feel my way through the story and imagine the questions and think through the pieces and parts, and a story is the tool we use to make sense of the world, and we still love stories, but the industrial world is so good at churning out great stories and they are so entertaining and that’s great, and I love them too, but we have forgotten how to create them for ourselves. We have forgotten how to do science for ourselves. We live in a universe that is dead because we killed it, we killed it to give us some relief from our guilt at all the pain and suffering we have created, but that is the past, and the past is written, and the future is not written but it is being written, right now, and you have a chance to be a part of it.

Help me unlock this infinite game that will generate the possibilities that will create the world that we are walking into. Join the infinite game.

I know I said this was a fairy tale and a theory too, but I really think it fits best in the science fiction genre. I have always loved science fiction, and I always wanted to be a science fiction writer. This is my first science fiction story. What do you think? Should I write another one?

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