What Are the Dangers of Mindless Consumption?

Take a deep breath, close your eyes and imagine a world without greed, corruption and pollution. Take another deep breath and indulge in this visualization for a few moments.

M. Olchawska
School Runs


Photo by Dan Burton on Unsplash

When you feel ready to move on, imagine a world where mindless consumption isn’t rewarded with likes, hearts, thumbs, or spikes in sales. Can you see that? How does it make you feel?

Mindless consumption is like indulgence in the most horrifying session of eating crisps, chocolate bars, cookies, white bread with sugar on top and drinking five different sodas simultaneously. Most of us wouldn’t be able to last long, conducting such a revolting experiment. But when it comes to buying what we don’t need or spending money we don’t have, the majority don’t see such a toxic lifestyle problematic.

Before the pandemic people roamed shops aimlessly, strolling along big, brightly lit shopping centres with one objective in mind: to find a good deal. Once the deal was located, the pleasure pheromones got to work. Often leaving a hole in the buyer’s wallet and actively adding to the pollution and environmental deterioration.

Why waste precious time, pointlessly walking around the shopping centres looking for a deal?



M. Olchawska
School Runs

Award-Winning Filmmaker | Sustainability & FI Writer | Screenwriter | Content Producer & Creator | magdaolchawska.com ecotopiauniverse.com | schoolruns.eu