View another teacher’s timetable

Published in
2 min readApr 21, 2016


To help teachers find where another staff member or a student should be at any point during the day, teachers can now use the School Information section to view the timetable of any student or staff member. Schoolbag administrators will also be able to click on any class the timetable of a teacher or student to view the class details, resources and homework.

Viewing someone else’s timetable:

To view the timetable of another teacher or a student in the school you need to go to the School Info section. Please note that viewing the timetable of another teacher or student is currently limited to PCs only; on an iPad, tablet or mobile device you will not be able to do this just yet.

  1. Click on the drop-down arrow next to the school’s name.
  2. Select School Info from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the Teachers section or the Students section.
  4. Hover over the teacher or student.
    TIP: Use the in-built browser search bar (Ctrl+F) to help you find the person you are looking for.
  5. Click on the Timetable icon that appears when you hover over the teacher / student.

Extra options for administrators:

  • If you are a Schoolbag administrator you will still be able to view the student homework statistics and password reset options by clicking on the student’s name or profile picture.
  • As a Schoolbag administrator you will be able to click on any lesson in the timetable of another staff member / student to view the class details, homework, and resources.

The Schoolbag administrator is an individual appointed by the principal to have administration rights over the school’s Schoolbag account. This is usually someone with IT responsibilities, the principal or another member of senior management. Requests to add additional Schoolbag administrators can be made to by the school principal or current Schoolbag administrator within the school.

Originally published at on April 21, 2016.




Amanda is a trained primary and secondary school teacher who provides Schoolbag support and training to our schools.