Cons of Technology in School

Sydney Loveless
schools need to change
2 min readDec 16, 2018

Technology has had a huge impact on the education system. Even though there are many ways that it has made the learning system better, there are a few ways that it has made the classroom setting worse. Some of the ways it has influenced it are the length of a student’s attention span, the amount of social interaction in school has decreased, and finally technology can foster cheating in a classroom.

In today’s world, many children and teens have very short attention spans. Now, when the education system has added in more technology such as iPads or MacBooks, many students tend to get off task and not complete their classwork. Whats even sadder is the fact that most won’t even make up that work and are happy with a barely passing grade. Another issue that technology brings is a decreased amount of social interaction. For example, say a group of students are assigned a group project and they all use their MacBooks to create a digital poster. It is easy for them to complete this with little to no verbal communication because it is all online. Lastly, technology can bring more cheating in the classroom than there already is. Computers and laptops make it easier to cheat considering a student can be taking an online test and just open up another tab and look up any question they need to know to get the question correct. These are just a few of the many ways that technology has affected the classroom.

