New Addition to email Delivery Server- Sparkpost

SchoolTime Publication
2 min readMay 31, 2016

Educational institutions can now easily activate Sparkpost as their email delivery server in SchoolTime. Sparkpost’s messaging services deliver 25% of the world’s legitimate emails, and has superior email delivery capability compared to any other service in the world. We at SchoolTime have used and tested Sparkpost’s delivery rates and have found it to be twice as better than its nearest competitor.

Your SchoolTime ERP system sends lots of emails everyday. Emails are sent to students, parents, teachers, accountants, other admins whenever you activate their accounts. The system also sends automated birthday emails to registered users. Your invoices are also delivered to the recipients via emails. Apart from all these, the bulk email campaigns- Notices, Announcements, Holidays are all sent from the Unified Communication Portal. You will not want your emails to land in the Spam Box of your recipients. The only way to improve your email delivery rate is by activating one of the email delivery servers from the Communication portal Settings.


Activate your Sparkpost account in SchoolTime today and improve your email deliver and communications by 100%. Chat with our friendly Customer Support Executives to seek guidance on this activation.

Sparkpost offers 100,000 emails every month for Free. You cannot get a better offer than this. Activate your Sparkpost account today. Signup with Sparkpost here.

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