Dinger Technical Update 21 09/Apr/2022

Schro-Dinger Token
Schrödinger — $DINGER


A great week this week, $DINGER pumped to over 20m USD market cap, before settling back down to over 10m. seeing an improvement to the price floor of around 25% over previous weeks. This was on the back of an announcement of a very sought-after partnership with Chainlink. Chainlink is the top 20 rated project in the cryptosphere that has been heavily touted to the community to be coming soon. It is now live. There have also been a string of new announcements to get the community excited this week, including the opening of the P2E game NFT platform, rumors of a staking platform possibly coming soon, and many smaller tidbits of information that have gotten investors enthusiasm rekindled.
There have been several developments behind the scenes that the team is working on now that may be announced in the not-too-distant future. However, information on that will have to wait until it is ready to be deployed.
Token economic information is as follows:
Market Cap: 10.6m USD
Liquidity: 1m USD
Daily Volume: 23kUSD
Holder Count: 7,175 (+97)

Market Cap: 11.8m USD
Liquidity: 236k USD
Daily Volume: 1.2k USD
Holder Count: 1,324 (+78)


A few more teams have locked using D-lock, which is appreciated by the team and community. So far, still, no issues reported with developers using the product.
The locker can be found here;
Certik Audit findings can be found here;

Not much was mentioned this week regarding Cat-iversity. However, it is still ongoing and is set to be coming soon.

Legends of Dinger (P2E)
The team is working round the clock to get Legends of Dinger launched very soon, currently, the “D-cat” marketplace is open before launch, for people who wish to secure their NFTs early. Work is ongoing with the mechanics, which includes a lot of scenario testing and analysis on the specifics of the monetary and battle system in-game. This is important since real-world value is at stake.
The team has announced that there will be a 1 v AI system in place to play the game as a single-player experience. And will also have a 3-way battle system, to further add to the experience.
There is a large emphasis on making the game balanced, to prevent damage to the in-game economy or the blockchain $DINGER chart.
There is going to be a leveling system in the game, to level up the character attributes of the NFTs in the game, which adds to the richness of the experience and creates a larger incentive to play the game.

More information can be found here:

After several successful launches and one not-so-successful launch (SAI), the team has officially begun working on v2.0 of the launchpad. The few launches that have occurred on the informal and highly manned v1.0 have given the team a good basis from which to build. Extremely useful data collecting on the process has yielded some ideas about how best to automate the platform and which areas can and cannot be automated.
There has been talk of a strict set of requirements to use the launchpad, regarding original assets and names, etc. Mostly the admins and hopefully the team agrees, that a large number of “INU” tokens on the launchpad is probably not a good thing. So the team is looking to automate some of the quality control. This is undoubtedly the most difficult part of creating a successful and more importantly, safe launchpad.
Development continues, no announcements for this week regarding this product.

The project is now awarding $100 each every week to the week’s top social media “raiders”. Community members who actively engage with social media posts and spread the brand to places where it may have been unseen until then, or who attract string engagement on their posts and memes, will now be in the race to win cash prizes. This week, a community member has offered to pay $100 of his own funds to award to a 6th raider.
Stickers are now going out as part of a large marketing push, so community members can now engage in real-world raiding, essentially guerrilla marketing.
Winners can choose BNB over ETH for their prizes if they choose.

On top of this, a renewed marketing push into the space is underway with many influencers being contacted at the moment to try to bring in organic engagement and not the pump and dumps the community has been subjected to so far by unscrupulous influencers.
The new website was launched this week to a fantastic reception. Despite several small bugs and issues with the layout and typos etc. it has proven to be a very usable and nicely laid out website, Providing a much more centralized hub for all $DINGER related sites, platforms, and socials.
Work is ongoing to further develop and improve the site now that it has launched, but so far it is looking very good and a vast improvement over the older site.

The site can be found here:

Some more merchandise is being added to the range, including a black tee-shirt and camo hat.
More free merchandise has been sent out to community members who have helped the project in various ways.
More information can be found here;

Currently, 655 Degens have been minted out of a total of 10001.
Further information can be found here;
Also, as part of the coming P2E game, D-cats are now available to mint, which will be instrumental in the game’s earning mechanics, allowing members to secure their NFTs early.

More information can be found here:

The top 20 partnership was finally announced after much waiting by the community. The partnership was with Chainlink. A goliath in the space (8 billion dollar market cap), and very exciting news.
The details are still to be clarified by the team but so far it appears as though Chainlink will be using $DINGER as a testbed for developing its technologies further. In return, $DINGER will offer them a suite of services to help them to achieve this.

The partnership was won after a very long vetting process on the part of Chainlink, as they wished to make certain that $DINGER is a serious project that can fulfill its role in a mutually beneficial partnership.
The team is very pleased to have pulled this deal off, and we all look forward to working with Chainlink in the future.

Market Conditions
Market speculators are currently projecting that Ethereum will retrace somewhat after a bull run from March 14th, and this mirrors what we are seeing in the market at the moment as ETH ranges from $3100 to $3300 after dropping down from around the $3500 mark. Most are speculating on $4000 Ethereum soon. However, nothing is ever certain and the outlook is only somewhat confident for the short term. Longer-term the market looks very good as governments begin to embrace cryptocurrencies as a way to help bolster falling fiat values. The UK for example is now deliberating on legislation to create a competitive environment on the world stage regarding taxation on crypto and usage in day to day transactions, a very good sign for investors overall as competition on a global scale will help to normalize cryptocurrencies and bring in more value overall.



Schro-Dinger Token
Schrödinger — $DINGER

$DINGER Token is the next generation of meme culture. We will kick off a revolution where an average person can gain access to launching meme tokens