Nielsen Studie: How social networks are creating a potentially transformational change in consumer behaviour

Frank Schultheiss
Published in
2 min readMar 9, 2009

Ganz Interessant zu beobachten, wie die “Groundswell” jetzt auch durch Deutschland spült. Die aktuelle Nielsen Studie zeigt deutlich, die unaufhaltsame Entwicklung. Willkommen im “Age of Engage”.

Consumer engagement within social
networks has the potential to change
the way consumers are targeted, not
just through the digital medium, but
through all forms of traditional media.
Whilst a few billion dollars of ad revenue
can’t be wrong, the prevailing wisdom is
that the current level of advertising
activity on social networks isn’t
consummate with the size and highly
engaged levels of the audience.

Die Entwicklung der unterschiedlichen Ansätze von Facebook und MySpace in 2009 soll Aufschluss bringen:

The industry is faced with a real Catch-22
situation. Part of Facebook’s extraordinary
subscriber growth is due to a clean
design with little advertising clutter;
consequently, the audience growth
hasn’t been accompanied by a similar
surge in advertising revenue. On the
other hand, MySpace’s more customisable
entertainment and content-oriented
offering carrying more advertising
has been more successful at attracting
advertising revenue, yet MySpace’s
audience is flattening. The industry will
be watching very closely at which one of
these fundamental differences in strategy
will prove the most successful in
attracting advertising revenue in 2009.

