The Kanban Maturity Model of David J. Anderson: A Framework for Knowledge Work Optimization

Frank Schultheiss
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2017
The new Kanban Maturity Model

At first glance, the Kanban Maturity Model seems like a head-born monster. Nevertheless, the ideas are intellectually interesting and besides the theory there is a whole range of practical approaches behind it, which can be very helpful in the analysis and optimization of processes or even organizations.

In practice, the KMM works as follows: In the company, the way the teams work is analyzed. Depending on which practices are used and what results are achieved, the corresponding level is determined. The next step is to use the KMM to derive the practices that will take the team or organization to the next level. The Kanban Maturity Model shows on the one hand how the current skills can be assessed and on the other hand the concrete next steps to get better.

Particularly interesting is the division of the maturity stages: Each stage consists of the two levels “Transition” and “Main”. The “Transition” layer describes the practices that are suitable for entering the next higher level. The “Main” level reflects the “Core Practices” that are more demanding. This provides options for action to reach the next level.

The Core practices allow organization to fully meet the criteria for the corresponding maturity level. The Transition practices can be introduced with little or no resistance when an organization is willing to reach higher maturity. However, having in place these practices only is not sufficient for achieving the maturity level.

This Article is an excerpt of the full analysis of the KMM at Researchgate

