Seven Reasons that make Star Trek Discovery’s S1E7 "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad” Awesome

J.G.R. Penton
Sci-Fi Lore
Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2017


  • **Red Spoiler Alert**

1. Party Time


It was nice to see the crew in a different setting. Much of the criticism Discovery has faced is along this vain. The crew is all conflict very little camaraderie. For example, Eric Diaz wrote, “Although all of the characters introduced in Discovery so far are compelling and interesting, the one things they lack is any sense of camaraderie with each other.”

This episode gave us that family feel. We got to see Tilly being Tilly. Michael is awkward at a party. The crew dances, drinks, and plays. We got to see trust and interdependence in a way that has been building but was now clear and fun.

2. Ash and Michael

“Can you lead?” Burnham

These two have chemistry. Love it. The dancing, the kissing, and those side glances. Yes.

3. Sonequa Martin-Green

We have seen Martin-Green put through her paces. People have complained about her steely performance blaming it on her Vulcan childhood. I think they have missed the mark. Martin-Green has had to demonstrate fierce loyalty, friendship, betrayal, commitment, and disappointment among many other emotions and I’m only talking about the first episode. She is a master and she does it with a Vulcan’s resting logical face. In episode 7, Michael shines. Her Vulcan character shows vulnerability, conflicted emotions, sadness, and more. All through a Vulcan mask.

4. Adorian Fake Out

For a second there, they had me going. I would have sworn this was going to be an Andorian storyline. I gotchu, “Discovery”. I gotchu.

5. Captain Gabriel Lorca

“I still don’t give a damn.” Captain Lorca

I have been the first one to have my doubts about Lorca, but he worked this episode. Maybe it was because he was not front and center. Maybe it was because he got killed several times on screen. Maybe it was because he listened to his crew yet again placing value on their counsel. Whatever the reason, I’m finally coming round to Captain Lorca.

6. Stamets and Culber

The dynamic between these two was hilarious. Doctor Hugh Culber was all ‘embarrassed partner;’ my guy is being a little cray-cray. They captured the experience of having one individual in the couple embarrass the other. Stamets and Culber are funny and charming. It works.

7. Time Travel

Time paradoxes, loops, distortions, all of it make Star Trek what it is. This episode throws us for a loop; a 30-minute time-loop, that is. So corny. Anyway, yes, there is time travel and it is used to pretty good effect. Now how they have this tech at this time, well its time travel to begin with, so who cares. The subtle variations in each loop were a pleasure to watch.

“Discovery” is finding its pace. If you weren’t sure about it, give it another chance. It’ll be worth it.

