“Sci-Fi Movie Reviews” is Back!

Brandon Weigel
Sci-Fi Movie Reviews
2 min readJan 27, 2018


Gotta love Wrath of Khan.

Two years ago, I started a publication called “Sci-Fi Movie Reviews”. I wrote one review. Then I was done.

Looking back, I think I bit off more than I could chew. I had seen my fair share of sci-fi movies, and I had no lack of opinions for those movies, but I didn’t have a fair system to rank them with respect to one another. So I let the publication, along with the lonely review, slip quietly away into the abyss of Medium.

Two years passed. I continued blogging about space and science. Then suddenly, last October, some of my articles began to gain traction. I had never seen the “99+” notification symbol on an iPhone app before, but I did the night that my article “Terraforming Mars” exploded. Overnight, I gained several hundred fans and 40 new followers.

In the ensuing weeks, I continued to release new posts as I had for years, only now people were actually reading them! And I was gaining followers fast. This was cool to me because I had never intended to use Medium to gain publicity. I simply wanted an online location where I could write down and store all my ideas in a place where others could review them and provide me with input. It is humbling to me that so many other people have taken an interest in my goal. But I’m getting off topic.

As of last week, I have accumulated 1000 followers! As a treat to my loyal fans, I am resurrecting “Sci-Fi Movie Reviews”. With a new and improved ranking system, and better organization, I hope that I can make it last more than one review. I intend to do a review or two per month on space-based, futuristic, or alien related science fiction movies from all eras. To those of you who are worried that this will impact the frequency or quality of my regular blogs, don’t worry. “Sci-Fi Movie Reviews” will always take a back seat to my space and science articles.

In “Sci-Fi Movie Reviews”, you’ll be able to witness a slightly different writing voice than I use in my normal posts. I also want to encourage anyone to publicly (and respectfully) agree or disagree with my reviews, with justifications. Unlike my regular blog, my reviews are 100% opinion based, and should under no circumstances be interpreted as fact.

Thank you Medium for providing me with a seamless, clean writing platform for me to store my ideas. Furthermore, I would like to thank all my followers who have helped me get to where I am today. If anyone would like to see my original inspiration for starting “Sci-Fi Movie Reviews”, you can find it here (complete with my two-year old writing style). With that, let the reviews begin!



Brandon Weigel
Sci-Fi Movie Reviews

I love astrophysics, engineering, and the future! I crunch all my own numbers, so if you have any questions please let me know! - brandonkweigel@gmail.com