The sound of seduction: How random screams of women from Bushman pranks are turning on creepy men

Mariah Dexon
Scifi News
Published in
4 min readFeb 17, 2023

Seems like we have a new trend in town. Men getting turned on by the sound of women screaming in fear, caused by the infamous “Bushman pranks”. The bushman prank involves a person hiding behind a bush or tree and then jumping out, startling and scaring an unsuspecting person. Although it’s hilarious for some, research institutes are now citing that the trend has taken a dark turn.

The popularity of bushman pranks has reached new heights in recent years with the trend of men being turned on by the funny screams of women scared by these pranks. The trend has grown so much that a new compilation of these screams has been created and is gaining millions of downloads on music streaming platforms.

According to a survey by the Institute of Psychology, 60% of the men who admitted to enjoying bushman pranks said that they found the sound of women screaming to be arousing. “It’s a twisted fetish,” says Dr. Susan Johnson, a prominent psychologist. “This kind of behavior can be very harmful and could potentially lead to an unhealthy sexual relationship.”

One young man, who asked to remain anonymous, said, “I used to listen to screams from Bushman pranks all day, every day. It was fun initially but I just got addicted. I didn’t realize how much it was affecting my relationships and my mental health until I was not able to get a hard-on without the screams playing in background. It was too late.”

“There is a huge demand for loud screams and playing them in loops. The effect is somewhat similar to moaning loudly but in a creepy way” says Adrian Boomer, a musician who specializes in compiling screams and uploading them on iTunes, Spotify and all major streaming platforms. With over a million downloads, he and other screamloop artists are making a killing with the fetish.

But what is the reason behind this disturbing trend? To investigate, we talked to several experts in the fields of psychology, gender studies, and social media. According to Dr. Smith, a prominent psychologist, “The appeal of these screams to men can be attributed to their sense of power and control over women.

“It’s a form of dominance that they find sexually arousing.”

Our research also took us to the streets, where we interviewed several men who had watched these prank videos. One man, who wished to remain anonymous, said, “I don’t know what it is, but hearing those screams just turns me on. It’s like a rush of adrenaline.”

“The love for funny or scared screams of women from Bushman pranks is rapidly increasing among men. Men seem to be going crazy for their favourite compilation of screams. However, this obsession with screams from Bushman pranks can be harmful, especially for the younger Instagram generation”, says Dr. Smith.

We also spoke to several women to get their perspective on the matter. One woman, who had been the target of a bushman prank herself, said, “It’s not funny. It’s terrifying. I can’t believe that there are men out there who get off on scaring women like that.”

Experts say that excessive obsession with screams of women from Bushman pranks can lead to negative impacts on relationships.

“I’ve seen couples where the man is so obsessed with random screams of women from Bushman pranks that he completely forgets about his partner’s needs and desires. He is turned on by them and keeps asking his partner to scream while having sex,” says Dr. John Smith, a relationship expert.

“It can lead to feelings of domination and BSDM and ultimately harm the relationship.”

“But it’s not just relationships that are affected. Studies have also shown that too much screams from Bushman pranks can cause mental health issues such as craving for them for masturbation and even regular sex.” says Dr. Jane Doe, a psychiatrist.

“Screams from Bushman pranks is such an important part of my life,” says avid listener, Tom. “I can’t imagine a night without it. But I also understand the importance of balance and making time for other things.”

As the love for screams from Bushman pranks continues to grow among men, it’s important to bring awareness to the potential risks and take steps to prevent harm to our relationships and mental health. So, turn down the volume and take a break. Your relationships and mental health will thank you.

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