University of Basel
sci five | University of Basel
2 min readSep 30, 2019


Have you ever wondered if your ex actually did break your heart? Or have you had a nightmare about a parasite controlling your thoughts and actions? Or do you lie awake at night thinking about how to solve the problem of the growing plastic waste on our planet? These and other real-life questions will be addressed at the upcoming Science Slam Basel on October 4, 2019. Get your tickets online or directly from Theater Basel.

At the 9th Science Slam Basel, ten scientists from five universities will battle for the favor of audience. The challenge lies in presenting one`s own research in an easily understandable way — and in no more than eight minutes. Anything goes: The slammers can underline their statements with creative presentations, stage props or by showcasing their musical or poetic abilities. At the end of the evening, the audience votes the science communicator who presented the most entertaining and comprehensible presentation.

This year`s Science Slam will be moderated by stand-up comedian Ahmet Bilge. According to his facebook profile “Ahmet Bilge is a mess. He grew up in the US, matured in Turkey & now he’s slowly decomposing in Switzerland. His outlook on life, witty jokes and embarrassing personal anecdotes is honest, silly & likeable. Rising to be one of the top players in Zurich, he is branching out to the European comedy scene with performances in Berlin, Paris & the UK.”

After the Science Slam at the Theater Basel, the audience and everybody interested is invited to the Aftershow-Party with PhD Happy Hour at Verso. Tickets for the Science Slam are available here and from the ticket shop at Theater Basel. More infos on the website of the Science Slam Club Basel. Check out Instagram to get to know this year’s slammers and for a chance to win 2 tickets!

Members of the Science Slam Club Basel at FameLab Basel 2019.

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The University of Basel has an international reputation of outstanding achievements in research and teaching. Founded in 1460, the University of Basel is the oldest university in Switzerland and has a history of success going back over 550 years. Learn more



University of Basel
sci five | University of Basel

Founded in 1460, the University of Basel is the oldest university in Switzerland.