Beyond The Hype: Projects We Like

Miguel Cuneta
SCI Ventures Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 9, 2018

After a record-breaking 2017, the Cryptocurrency industry in 2018 is off to a roaring start. There are thousands of new projects that are taking and raising huge amounts of capital through ICOs. What’s scary is that some of them get away with just a white paper and a “team” with a good resume, no actual product or working service, no revenue, and no track record in blockchain development. Some of them are even blatant pump-and-dump schemes, yet still, uninformed people are pouring money into them.

It seems a bit overwhelming , especially to the inexperienced, and it gets harder and harder to separate quality projects from the ones with no substance.

To help the community deal with this problem in our own little way, we will be publishing a series of blog posts called “Projects We Like”. It will be a short but informative review of some of the blockchain and crypto projects that we consider to be viable for the decentralized blockchain-based future of tech and finance.

We will only feature projects that fall into any, some, or all of these criteria:

  1. Projects that are from organizations that are officially partnered with SCI in some capacity.
  2. Projects that the founding team at SCI openly advise or support, personally vetted, and on which we’ve done our due diligence.
  3. Projects that we scrutinized down to the nuts and bolts and ended up liking it more afterwards.

By no means should this be interpreted as investment advice — we at SCI always encourage our users and the rest of the community to do their own due diligence before getting involved in any cryptocurrency project. The goal is to help the community learn more about some of the relevant developments that are being drowned out by the hype and get a peek at what we are doing with them behind the scenes. It will be an in-depth analysis that will help shed light on some of the great use-cases being developed for crypto today.

Stay tuned for the first one, coming soon!

Happy new year from the SCI team!



Miguel Cuneta
SCI Ventures Blog

Co-founder at Satoshi Citadel ( Building Bitcoin businesses in the Philippines since 2014. Read more stuff from me Decentralize.Today