Why and How to Tweet a Virtual Conference

Twitter still has a place now events and conferences are online

Rebecca LeBard


Twitter is a great place for making new connections, interacting with existing ones, and learning.

If you are new to Twitter or your feed makes you feel like you’re standing just outside a circle of conversation, unsure how or when to contribute, then a conference will provide you with an opener.

A conference is an opportunity for you to provide valuable content to your followers — and to gain more.

But, at a time of virtual conferences, why tweet one when anyone can easily attend anyway?

People don’t have the time to attend all the virtual conferences, events and seminars relevant to them. But they still appreciate the key messages and new contacts.

Communicating this key information, facilitating interactions and making connections is where you can add value for your followers.



Rebecca LeBard

I am a Scientist BSc (hons) PhD and Educator MEd (higher education) | I write about higher education, science, science education and balancing life.