Can we really get to Mars?

David Gamble
Science and Critical Thinking
7 min readOct 15, 2021


If you ever get a chance to check out “ The Expanse” then go for it. The series, which current runs to five seasons, is based upon the novels by James S. A. Corey. Interestingly enough the author, Mr Corey, does not actually exist, it is a pen name used by two authors, Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck. They collaborated to create the 9 volume book series. In the novels, and also in the TV series, Mars has not only been colonised, but is wholly independent.

Is this something that might happen one day, will we actually be able to colonise Mars?

Elon Musk of SpaceX rather famously has the goal of doing exactly this. It is not simply a dream, but an actual plan. The immediate goal is to get a human to Mars by 2026. There are things here that we need not have doubts about, the plan is in action. The fully reusable super-heavy lift launch vehicle known as Starship has been in development since 2018, and so the engineering required to get there is viable, but there is a great deal more to consider.

I have very serious doubts, I think that many of the challenges are being brushed over and are not being deeply considered.

Going to Mars — Factors that often get overlooked

Beyond the pure engineering of physically getting there and back, here are some of the other factors that…



David Gamble
Science and Critical Thinking

Blogger and writer with a keen interest in science, skepticism, critical thinking, and many other weird and whacky topics.