iPhones in old paintings — Is this evidence of Time Travellers?

David Gamble
Science and Critical Thinking
4 min readSep 22, 2021


Today’s posting is a bit of fun. While some do take the following observations at face value as credible evidence that time travellers have turned up in the past, most people don’t. There is however a more serious point at the end. The real answer reveals something rather fundamental about the human experience and life.

The essence of this posting is this. People have been spotting iPhones in places where they simply should not be, and yet there they are.

What is going on, how is this actually possible?

Let’s take a look at a few examples.

Example 1 — iPhone in 1860 painting

Picture: Hajotthu / Wikimedia Commons(Hajotthu / Wikimedia Commons)

The above is a painting by Feddinand Georg Waldmüller called “The Expected One”. The gallery dates it to 1850 or 1860. It appears to depict a young girl mesmerised by her iPhone.

Is that really an iPhone?

Let’s zoon in for a closer look, and yes, there is even a glow from the screen …

It definitely is an iPhone… right?

When first spotted, some were convinced that it was …

Just like her on the dating app in Walmüller’s Die Erwartete (c. 1850): pic.twitter.com/Lakl0vCkri

— Peter A. Russell2291…



David Gamble
Science and Critical Thinking

Blogger and writer with a keen interest in science, skepticism, critical thinking, and many other weird and whacky topics.