The Plot to cover up Sexual Abuse at Daystar TV
First, before we get into the details here, I need to give you a quick background brief on who the players are within this sordid little saga of yet another tale of religious abuse and coverup.
It concerns Daystar TV and those that run it.
Daystar TV is a massive evangelical setup that was founded in 1993 by Marcus Lamb, and is based out of Dallas/Fort Worth. While this is a story that does also involve Mr Lamb, he no longer participates because he managed to kill himself back in 2021. Cause of death — gross stupidity. During the pandemic he preached a very staunch anti-vaccine message, and of course he himself got COVID. At the time this was announced to all as “a spiritual attack from the enemy.“. The one obvious flaw there is that the SARS-CoV-2 virus does not audit the beliefs of those that it infects and go “Oh no, not prayer, I better skip this guy“, it just does its thing.
Yes, you can see where this side-story is going.
Mr Lamb did the usual crazy stuff, he avoided proper medical guidance and simply self medicated a course of Ivermectin, the antiparasitic drug that by that time had already been confirmed to be ineffective for treating COVID. The inevitable happened, “faith” splattered ineffectively into the brick wall of reality and so COVID killed him in Nov 2021.