Top 5 weirdest Homeopathy remedy categories

David Gamble
Science and Critical Thinking
6 min readSep 13, 2021


The content of this posting is perhaps going to come across as satire, but it’s not. It brings to you a list of homeopathy remedies that are quite real. I’ll even include a link to the supplier so that you can check their list yourself and verify it all. I should perhaps also make something very very transparent up front — Homeopathy is pseudoscientific nonsense, there is no credible evidence that it works.

The Wikipedia page that describes the evidence and efficacy of homeopathy lays it all out very clearly

A review conducted in 2010 of all the pertinent studies of “best evidence” produced by the Cochrane Collaboration concluded that “the most reliable evidence — that produced by Cochrane reviews — fails to demonstrate that homeopathic medicines have effects beyond placebo.”

Before we get into my list of truly bizarre homeopathic remedies, I better explain what a homeopathic remedy actually claims to be.

What is Homeopathy?

If you are not familiar with the topic of Homeopathy, then it is well worth understanding what it actually claims to be. Some might view it as a variation of herbal medicine, but that is simply not the case.

The idea, dreamed up by Samuel Hahnemann in 1796, is that like cures like. For example, if you have…



David Gamble
Science and Critical Thinking

Blogger and writer with a keen interest in science, skepticism, critical thinking, and many other weird and whacky topics.