
A Woman Scorned

A poem

Tom Kane
Plainly Put


She peels back her papery skin
and lets the day’s pretences
moult to the floor,
uncoiling that tightly wound camouflage
of obliging smiles,
and shakes loose the gauzy veneer
of well-bred murmurings.

In hushed propriety
flakes of faded decorum scatter,
making way for the kindling blaze
of irises set aflame by the inferno
of famished cravings, too vast to be bound.

Gleaming talons emerge, shearing through
mild compliance to the truth beneath.
Her visceral nature bursts into searing clarity,
a savage eruption of id and
unfettered feminine fury, blistering,
unabashedly profane in its scouring.

Intensity, undomesticated, unapologetic, insatiable,
the springing pulse of the jungle cat
revealed in every coiled, fluid flex.
No longer a fragile doll, but dreadful Eve
glutting upon that which was hoarded.

Sisters in rut,
guttural Eros reclaiming the divine,
feminine, profane,
cauterizing each falsehood,
searing away every lie
to immolate this world of imitations.

A radiant virago rising resplendent
from the purging pyre.
Irrefutably regenerate.

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Tom Kane
Plainly Put

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium