Chocolate Lovers, Rejoice!

Your favourite treat might be good for your heart

Tom Kane
Plainly Put
4 min readJul 3, 2024


Cholate cookies and cakes
Image by Nightcafe

Who doesn’t love a bit of chocolate now and then?

I must admit it’s my biggest weakness

Well, here’s some news for all you chocoholics out there, that delicious treat might actually be doing your heart some good! Recent research suggests that cocoa and dark chocolate could have some proven health benefits, especially when it comes to your heart.

The heart-healthy potential of cocoa

Scientists have been busy studying how cocoa might affect our cardiovascular health, and the results are looking pretty promising. A bunch of studies have found that munching on cocoa or very dark chocolate (70% cocoa content or higher) might help with several factors that affect heart health.

Here’s what they found:

- Cocoa consumption seemed to lower blood pressure a bit

- It helped reduce “bad” LDL cholesterol levels

- It even appeared to lower blood sugar levels

Now, before you go racing to the candy aisle, keep in mind that we’re talking about modest improvements here. We’re not saying chocolate is a miracle cure

What’s the secret ingredient?

So, what makes cocoa so special? Well, it’s packed with little compounds called flavanols. These are a type of antioxidant that seem to be particularly good for our blood vessels, and they might help our arteries relax and improve blood flow, which is great news for our hearts.

Dark chocolate and cocoa powder are especially rich in these flavanols. That’s why researchers tend to focus on the dark stuff rather than your average milk chocolate bar.

Not Just Good for Your Heart

While the heart health benefits are getting a lot of attention, that’s not all cocoa might be good for. Some studies suggest it could also:

- Give your brain a boost, helping with memory and cognition

- Improve your mood (as if we needed another reason to feel good about eating chocolate!)

- Help protect your skin from sun damage (though don’t ditch the sunscreen just yet)

- Maybe even help with weight control (yes, you read that right!)

Before You Go Cocoa Crazy…

Now, before you start replacing all your meals with chocolate bars, there are a few things to keep in mind:

1. We’re talking about cocoa and dark chocolate, not your average sugar-loaded candy bar. The studies focused on cocoa extracts or very dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa content.

2. The improvements seen in these studies were relatively modest. Cocoa isn’t going to magically fix all your health problems overnight.

3. Chocolate still contains calories, sugar, and fat. Eating too much can lead to weight gain, which isn’t great for your heart.

4. An overall healthy diet is still the best way to keep your heart in tip-top shape. Cocoa can be part of that, but it shouldn’t be the only thing you rely on.

How to get your cocoa fix

If you want to add more cocoa to your diet in a heart-healthy way, here are some ideas:

- Opt for dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa content. The higher the percentage, the better!

- Try adding a spoonful of unsweetened cocoa powder to your morning smoothie or oatmeal.

- Make a cup of hot cocoa using unsweetened cocoa powder and a touch of your favourite sweetener.

- Sprinkle some cocoa nibs on top of your yogurt or salad for a crunchy, chocolatey kick.

Remember, moderation is key. A little bit of dark chocolate or cocoa each day is plenty to potentially reap the benefits without overdoing it on calories and sugar.

The bottom line

While cocoa and dark chocolate show some promising health benefits, especially for heart health, they’re not a magic bullet. They can be part of a healthy diet, but they shouldn’t replace other important habits like eating plenty of fruits and veggies, getting regular exercise, and not smoking.

Think of cocoa as a tasty bonus in your overall healthy lifestyle. It’s not going to work miracles on its own, but it might give your heart a little extra love, and who doesn’t want an excuse to enjoy a bit of chocolate guilt-free?

So, savour that square of dark chocolate or enjoy a warm mug of cocoa. Your taste buds, and maybe your heart, will thank you!

7 Proven Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate (

Cocoa, chocolate and cardiovascular disease — PMC (

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Tom Kane
Plainly Put

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium