Crafting a Profitable Digital Writing Strategy

From platforms to revenue

Tom Kane
Plainly Put
4 min readDec 18, 2023


On the road to becoming a successful digital writer, where myriad platforms beckon and opportunities abound, mastering the art of strategic focus can transform your efforts into a revenue-generating powerhouse.

By honing in on one social platform, driving traffic to a targeted landing page, and strategically capturing emails, you can pave the way to seven figures in revenue. But first, let’s dissect the three common pitfalls that often keep freelance writers underpaid and overworked.

1. Fear of working for free

A prevailing myth in the freelance writing sphere is the fear of working for free. However, strategic “free work” can be a powerful stepping stone towards building a lucrative career. Rather than providing free services indiscriminately, consider offering valuable content through a blog, social media, or even a free resource hub on your website. This positions you as an authority in your niche, creating a magnet for potential clients and opportunities.

2. Writing “anything” for “anyone”

The notion of being a jack-of-all-trades in the writing world can be tempting, but it often leads to being a master of none. Specialisation is the key to unlocking your unique value. Identify your passion or expertise, and align your writing endeavours with it. This focused approach not only attracts clients who recognise your value but also allows you to command higher rates for specialised knowledge.

3. Treating every client as a blank canvas

While adaptability is a valuable trait, treating every client as a blank canvas can be a detriment. Instead, approach each project with a keen understanding of your unique strengths and perspective. Define your niche and let your expertise shine through. Clients are seeking writers with a distinctive voice and perspective, and by showcasing yours, you position yourself as an invaluable asset.

Now, here’s a strategy that can propel your digital writing career into seven figures in revenue.

Strategic social platform focus: Quality over quantity

The era of trying to conquer every social media platform is over. Successful social media experts, wisely advise focusing on one relevant platform where your target audience thrives. By directing your energy towards mastering a single platform, you can streamline your efforts, build a dedicated following, and create content that resonates deeply with your audience.

Emphasise the importance of understanding your unique value and niche. Specialisation can set you apart from the crowd, attracting the right clients who recognise and value your expertise. This strategic focus not only optimises your time and energy but also positions you as a go-to authority in your chosen domain.

Leveraging a landing page for revenue growth

The next step in this revenue-generating strategy involves driving your social media audience to one carefully crafted landing page. This page should not only showcase your expertise but also feature a compelling offer, a true rock star deal that your audience can’t resist. Whether it’s an exclusive guide, webinar, or access to a resource hub, the key is to provide immense value.

Pig, with top hat, seated ,writing in book
Image by Author

Email capture: Turning clicks into revenue opportunities

The landing page isn’t just a showcase, it’s a gateway to building a direct connection with your audience. Implement email capture mechanisms to convert visitors into subscribers. By offering a piece of paid content for free in exchange for their email addresses, you’re not only providing value upfront but also creating a direct line of communication. This becomes your avenue for nurturing leads, sharing valuable insights, and, ultimately, pitching your more advanced offerings.

Monetising with the “more advanced” version

Here’s where the magic happens. With a growing email list and engaged audience, you’re primed to introduce your more advanced offerings. Whether it’s premium courses, consulting services, or specialised writing packages, these offerings capitalize on the trust and value you’ve established. This progression from free to advanced content becomes the engine that propels your digital writing endeavours into seven figures in revenue.

In other words, understanding your unique value and niche is a game-changer. Specialisation not only sets you apart but also attracts the right clients. So, dare to focus, strategically give away valuable content, and captivate your audience. This, coupled with a targeted landing page and savvy email capture, positions you for monumental revenue growth in the world of digital writing.

Remember: it’s not about doing everything, but doing the right things exceptionally well.



Tom Kane
Plainly Put

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium