Crafting a Successful Blog

The Power of Feedback

Tom Kane
Plainly Put
3 min readDec 15, 2023


Creating a successful blog involves more than just creating compelling content — it demands a keen understanding of your audience’s pulse. If you find yourself pondering the effectiveness of your blog posts, the allure of your About page, or the resonance of your Hire Me page, you’re not alone. Let’s look at the importance of seeking feedback and six practical ways to solicit it.

Decoding the Feedback Conundrum

The challenge lies in deciphering the signals from your audience. While numbers offer a glimpse into your blog’s performance, they fall short in illuminating the why behind the trends. Constructive feedback goes beyond superficial comments like “great post!” — it serves as a guiding beacon, offering insights into what works, suggestions for improvement, and encouragement to amplify your strengths.

Overcoming the Feedback Dilemma

  1. Look at Your Current Comments

Start with the comments section on your blog. Scrutinize which posts garnered the most comments — they likely struck a chord with readers. Unearth suggestions from commenters for future posts, or identify posts with negative or confused comments for refinement.

2. Ask Around on Social Media

Leverage the potential of social networks, especially if your blog is in its nascent stage. Post links to specific blog posts or pages, seeking constructive criticism. You’d be surprised at the generosity of friends and strangers alike. Non-bloggers, in particular, offer a perspective representative of your broader audience.

3. Find a Blogging Partner

Explore the possibility of collaborating with fellow bloggers by swapping posts. A blogging partner can offer more than just a cursory read — they can provide valuable insights. If you’re yet to connect with a fellow blogger, peruse relevant blog comments or explore forums like Find a Blog Buddy.

4. Post in a Forum

For targeted feedback, forums can be invaluable. Platforms like the Third Tribe forum often yield insightful responses. When seeking feedback, be specific about the areas you’d like input on. Pose questions about the clarity of your About page, its effectiveness in retaining readers, or suggestions for enhancements.

5. Join a Blogging Course

Consider enrolling in blogging-related courses, many of which incorporate interactive elements like live calls or forums. Coursemates, usually more engaged and slightly advanced, can offer practical feedback.

6. Hire a Writing Coach

For in-depth, expert feedback, contemplate engaging a writing or blogging coach. A coach collaborates to refine your content while preserving your unique voice. Despite being an investment, many bloggers attest to the value derived. Even those with a robust writing background, like experienced journalist Prime Sarmiento, find coaching transformative.

The Review Process

Upon securing a feedback provider, channel their insights into key areas:

1. Cornerstone Content

If your blog features cornerstone or pillar content — posts with enduring value — ensure they receive meticulous attention. Seek comprehensive feedback on the series, addressing both minutiae like typos and overarching concerns such as the coherence of the entire collection.

2. About Page

Recognize the pivotal role of your About page — it’s likely the second most-read page after your homepage. A compelling About page can convert a casual visitor into a subscriber, making feedback and drafting assistance essential.

3. Services or Hire Me Page

For bloggers offering services or products, the clarity and persuasiveness of your sales page are critical. Incoherent or confusing sales pages can undermine your offering. Solicit feedback to refine and ensure the page communicates your offer effectively.

Your Next Steps

Select a page or post on your blog and enlist someone for feedback. Whether a friend, forum member, or coach, a second opinion proves invaluable. Opt for someone attuned to your audience, even if they aren’t part of it themselves.

As regards feedback, remember: the journey to a resonant and impactful blog is a collective endeavour, enriched by insights, refined by collaboration, and fortified by the unwavering commitment to constant improvement.



Tom Kane
Plainly Put

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium