Ink-Stained Melodies

A poem

Tom Kane
Plainly Put


Hand with coffee cup, and open book
Photo by Aga Putra on Unsplash

In the haven of a coffee shop’s embrace
I seek solace from the worldly strife,
where fragrant whispers interlace,
a poet’s refuge, a haven for life.

Cloaked in mystery’s gentle guise,
blank pages yearn for tales untold.
With fingers poised, ink-stained melodies arise,
when emotions bleed and hearts unfold.

With starlit eyes, I see the mundane,
in verses written, to capture the essence,
the ordinary transformed, beauty’s vein,
melancholy, joy, love’s luminescence.

From lover’s touch to children’s laughter,
I mix life’s hues into lines that gleam.
Footsteps soft, old memories thereafter
inviting souls to dream within the unseen.

Doubt, a lingering shadow, whispers its tale.
I write, holding vulnerability’s plea,
yet passion burns, refusing to pale,
baring my soul, setting my spirit free.

In this circle of wordsmiths, kindred souls
applause and critique our shared communion.
Together we pen stories, our art extols
in revolution’s flames, we find our union.

With weary hands, the final verse is traced,
each carefully chosen, poised to ignite.
Words find their place, their power embraced,
a stranger’s heart, a spark in the night.

Leaving the coffee shop, into the night air,
the winding path, elusive muses guide
a lineage of dreamers, poets who dare
to give voice to melodies, unsung inside.

I walk the path, tales spun, verses sung.
In ink-stained melodies my soul takes flight
leaving echoes of love, life’s journey begun,
a poet’s legacy, whispers of the eternal night.



Tom Kane
Plainly Put

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium