Plainly Put

Love Is A Silver Rose

A poem

Tom Kane
Plainly Put


Your dawn grew long,
blooming into endless midday
where I picked each petal
that unfurled across
the landscape of your heart.

As dusk wandered in,
I traced the lingering rays
warm upon your cheeks,
reading between your laughter lines
stories of our shared enormity.

With the pale moon’s blessing
I memorized the valleys of you,
topographies shifting, eternal,
yet somehow soft stories rewritten
upon parchment-worn skin.

In the dim hours just before dawn
I held you tenderest, whispering
that the rising sun could never outshine
your beauty, blazing onward,
outburning the cosmos entire.

For I saw not merely your body
growing silver with experience,
rather I witnessed decade after decade
your soul becoming increasingly brilliant,
incomparable light made manifest.



Tom Kane
Plainly Put

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium