Lunar Agriculture

China’s Pioneering Experiment in Plant Growth on the Moon

Tom Kane
Plainly Put
2 min readOct 31, 2023


In 2019, China achieved a remarkable milestone in space exploration. They successfully landed a spacecraft on the far side of the moon, a part of the moon that’s never visible from Earth. But what’s even more astonishing is that this spacecraft carried out an experiment to see if it’s possible to grow plants on the moon.

The experiment involved different kinds of seeds, like cotton, potatoes, and some other plants, as well as tiny insects and yeast, and all of these were put inside a special container. The reason for this experiment was to find out if plants could survive and grow on the moon, despite the moon’s challenging conditions.

The moon has harsh radiation from the sun, extremely low gravity, and it’s exposed to intense sunlight for a long time.

The results of this experiment were really interesting. Some of the plants actually started to grow on the moon! This is a significant discovery because it means that we might be able to grow our own food and produce oxygen when we have astronauts living on the moon or other planets in the future.

This experiment is vital because it helps us figure out how to sustain life in space without relying on constant supplies from Earth. It’s like taking a piece of our own environment with us into space.
This could be a big step toward making it possible for people to live and work on the moon, Mars, and beyond.

So, in the future, astronauts might be able to have their own little farms in space, growing plants for food and oxygen. This would make long space missions and living on other planets much more practical.



Tom Kane
Plainly Put

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium