Mars’ Breath of Life

Tanay Naik
Plainly Put
Published in
5 min readJun 20, 2024
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

As space agencies and private enterprises set their sights on Mars, the vision of establishing human colonies on the Red Planet is steadily transforming from science fiction into a feasible goal. However, one of the paramount challenges of Mars colonization is ensuring a sustainable oxygen supply. This article delves into the pioneering technologies and methodologies that are being developed to convert the abundant carbon dioxide (CO₂) in Mars’ atmosphere into breathable oxygen (O₂), a vital resource for sustaining human life and supporting prolonged missions.

The Martian Atmosphere

Mars presents a dramatically different environment from Earth, with a thin atmosphere composed predominantly of carbon dioxide. This atmospheric composition poses a dual challenge: not only does it lack sufficient oxygen for human respiration, but it also provides limited protection from harmful solar radiation and extreme temperature variations.

Mars’ atmosphere is about 95.3% carbon dioxide, 2.7% nitrogen, 1.6% argon, and traces of oxygen and water vapor.
The atmospheric pressure on Mars is roughly 0.6% of Earth’s, creating a thin environment where liquid water cannot stably exist on the surface.
Surface temperatures on Mars average around -60°C (-80°F), with extremes ranging from -125°C (-195°F) at the poles to 20°C (70°F) at the equator during summer.

Without a way to produce oxygen on Mars, human missions would depend heavily on Earth for resupply, adding significant cost and complexity to space exploration endeavors.

ISRU: A Game-Changer for Mars Missions

Carbon dioxide plasma created at the Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, Ecole Polytechnique in France and used in the research on harnessing and processing local resources to generate products on Mars.
Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, Ecole Polytechnique, France. Credit: Olivier Guaitella

In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) involves harnessing and converting local resources to meet the needs of space missions. For Mars, converting the planet’s CO₂ into oxygen is a critical ISRU strategy. It holds the potential to revolutionize human presence on Mars by reducing dependency on Earth, enhancing mission sustainability, and lowering overall costs.

Benefits of ISRU for Mars:

  • Allows missions to be more self-sufficient by utilizing local resources.
  • Reduces the expense and logistical burden of transporting large quantities of oxygen from Earth.
  • Enables longer stays and even permanent settlements on Mars by providing a continuous supply of oxygen.

MOXIE (No, not the movie.)

The Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment (MOXIE) instrument converts carbon dioxide into oxygen.

NASA’s Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment (MOXIE) is a groundbreaking step towards making Mars a habitable environment. Deployed on the Perseverance rover, MOXIE aims to validate the technology needed to convert CO₂ into O₂ directly on Mars.

How MOXIE Works:

1. CO₂ Collection: MOXIE intakes CO₂ from the Martian atmosphere, which is then compressed and filtered to remove dust and impurities.

2. Electrochemical Conversion: The purified CO₂ is heated to approximately 800°C (1472°F) in a solid oxide electrolysis cell. This process splits the CO₂ molecules into oxygen ions and carbon monoxide.

3. Oxygen Extraction: Oxygen ions migrate through the solid oxide electrolyte and combine to form O₂ molecules, which are then collected. The by-product, carbon monoxide, is vented back into the Martian atmosphere.

MOXIE successfully produced oxygen on Mars for the first time on April 20, 2021. It generated approximately 5 grams of oxygen, enough for an astronaut to breathe for about 10 minutes.

While MOXIE represents a crucial proof of concept, future missions will require more robust and scalable solutions to meet the oxygen demands of larger crews and potential colonies. Several advanced technologies are under consideration to achieve this:

1. Solar-Powered Electrolysis

Solar-powered electrolysis leverages Mars’ abundant sunlight to drive the electrolysis of CO₂. This method promises a renewable and continuous supply of oxygen. Solar panels capture sunlight and convert it into electricity. The electricity powers an electrolysis unit that splits CO₂ into O₂ and CO. The produced oxygen is stored for use, while CO is released back into the atmosphere or used in other processes. As with all good things: there are some challenges.

2. Bioreactors

Bioreactors employ specially engineered microorganisms or algae capable of photosynthesis to convert CO₂ into oxygen, mimicking Earth’s natural processes. Microorganisms or algae are housed in bioreactors and exposed to sunlight or artificial light. Through photosynthesis, they absorb CO₂ and produce O₂, which can be harvested. The system can also recycle water and nutrients, creating a self-sustaining life support system. Yes & No. What I mean by this is: Am I serious? Yes. Will it become a reality? Probably not.

A Harsh Reality

Now, all this seems warm and fuzzy in theory. Don’t get me wrong, humanity could eventually reach a point where we start taking all this technology for granted like AC, LEDs, phones, etc. We might even become a Type 2 civilization…

For now, we must address some obstacles that we will encounter in our pursuit of a future on the Red Planet.

  1. Energy Efficiency

Mars’ limited solar energy and harsh environment necessitate highly efficient systems. Advances in energy storage and utilization will be essential to maintain continuous oxygen production.

2. Durability and Reliability

Equipment used on Mars must withstand extreme conditions, including temperature fluctuations, radiation, and dust storms. Designing systems with robust materials and fail-safes will be critical to ensure long-term reliability.

3. Scalability

To support human colonies, oxygen production systems must be scalable. This requires developing technologies that can efficiently expand from supporting small exploratory teams to sustaining large communities.

Then again, it’s difficult to incorporate multiple of these obstacles. NASA’s future plans with MOXIE involve scalability, abandoning efficiency.

The successful conversion of CO₂ into oxygen is a cornerstone of Mars colonization efforts. By developing and refining these technologies, we are laying the groundwork for sustainable human presence on the Red Planet. These advancements not only bring us closer to establishing permanent colonies on Mars but also enhance our capabilities for deep space exploration.

As research progresses, the techniques pioneered for Mars may find applications in other space missions and even on Earth, contributing to our understanding and management of CO₂ and oxygen production in various environments.

This marks the end of my first article on this platform. I hope to possibly take you through many more such articles as we explore space and sustainable technologies. Different writers have different signatures and mannerisms. For now, I’ll try to include an insightful quote at the end of my articles. Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to do so.

“The important achievement of Apollo was demonstrating that humanity is not forever chained to this planet and our visions go rather further than that and our opportunities are unlimited.” — Neil Armstrong

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