Plainly Put

Demystifying Fascinating Topics

Tom Kane
Plainly Put
2 min readOct 25, 2023


Welcome to Plainly Put!

Dear reader,

I am delighted to welcome you to Plainly Put, a freshly launched publication dedicated to the art of making the complex simple. Here at Plainly Put, I believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to understand and appreciate the varied and fascinating worlds of science, poetry, technology, Lifestyle, short fiction writing, and any other genre that will catch the readers attention. So, we accept articles on virtually every area of general interset, as long as it is written in good plain everyday language that the average person can understand. My goal is to bridge the gap between experts and the everyday reader by offering clear, concise, and engaging insights into these captivating subjects.

As you browse through our articles, you’ll notice that Plainly Put is just getting started, and the initial articles are authored by me. This is a new endeavour, and I’m excited to begin this journey of demystifying intricate concepts and providing you with a platform to explore and learn.

It’s important to note that, as a new publication, we have a limited number of entries at this time. But with your support and the contributions of future writers, I envision Plainly Put growing into a diverse resource for accessible knowledge on a wide variety of subjects.

If you’re interested in becoming a writer for Plainly Put, please review our submission guidelines. I look forward to building a community of passionate individuals who share our mission.

Thank you for being part of the early stages of “Plainly Put.” Your support, curiosity, and engagement are greatly appreciated as we embark on this journey to demystify fascinating topics and make knowledge more accessible to all.

We are open to both new and experienced writers.

Warm regards,

Tom Kane



Tom Kane
Plainly Put

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium