Storm’s Crescendo

A poem

Tom Kane
Plainly Put
Feb 8, 2024


Lightning strike at night
Photo by Caspian Hoehne on Unsplash

In jagged peaks, the sky roils,
in a cauldron of chaos.
Nature unleashes its wrath,
while dark hills stand stoic,
weathering the sky’s tears.

Winds howl, a wild dance
with the ancient pines
that bow before the wind’s mighty roar,
branches trembling,
and the valley below holds its breath,
caught in the grip of the divine.

Lightning, a fleeting illumination,
a glimpse into the abyss,
etches stark shadows across the land.
Thunder speaks in tongues lost to time,
a primal dialogue between earth and sky.
Enshrouded in this tumultuous embrace
the valley lies in wait,
a witness to the storm’s unbridled fury.

In the heart of the storm,
a primal rage unfolds,
as rain cascades, a relentless torrent
drenching the earth.
Elements collide in tumultuous embrace,
and in the tempest’s fury,
the mountain valley trembles.



Tom Kane
Plainly Put

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium