The Mpemba Effect: Hot Water Freezing Faster than Cold

A chilling scientific enigma

Tom Kane
Plainly Put
5 min readDec 31, 2023


When I was a young student and learning all about thermodynamics, I was captivated by what is now known as the Mpemba Effect.

This phenomenon, where hot water seems to freeze faster than cold water under specific conditions, has puzzled scientists for centuries. Let’s unravel the mysteries of the Mpemba Effect, and explore explore its intriguing history, probe potential explanations, and consider the implications for our everyday understanding of heat and cold.

Historical Context

The Mpemba Effect is named after Erasto Mpemba, a Tanzanian schoolboy who noticed that hot ice cream mix froze faster than a cold mix in the early 1960s. While Mpemba’s observation catapulted this peculiar phenomenon into the scientific spotlight, the idea itself has roots dating back to Aristotle, who mentioned similar observations over two millennia ago. Despite its historical echoes, the Mpemba Effect remains a tantalizing mystery that eludes a definitive explanation.

Defying Intuition: How does hot water freeze faster?

The Mpemba Effect challenges our everyday understanding of thermodynamics, where one might expect that starting with hotter water would logically lead to a longer freezing time. However, numerous experiments have validated the counter-intuitive nature of this phenomenon. It’s as if hot water possesses a hidden advantage in the freezing race, defying the expected laws of heat transfer.

Potential explanations and scientific insights

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the Mpemba Effect, yet a universally accepted explanation remains elusive. Some potential factors that may contribute to this peculiar phenomenon include:

1. Evaporation and Cooling: Accelerated heat loss through vaporisation

With reference to the Mpemba Effect, the evaporation and cooling hypothesis suggest that hot water experiences more substantial evaporation during the initial stages of the cooling process. As hot water is exposed to the surrounding air, the higher temperature facilitates quicker evaporation. This increased evaporation results in a more rapid loss of heat from the water, effectively cooling it down faster.

The key concept here is that the phase change from liquid to vapour requires energy, and this energy is drawn from the water itself. In the process of turning from liquid to vapour, the hottest molecules at the water’s surface take away energy, causing the remaining water molecules to lose heat more quickly. Consequently, less water needs to be cooled to reach the freezing point, expediting the overall freezing process.

Imagine a scenario where two containers, one with hot water and the other with cold water, are placed in the same environment. The hot water container experiences a more pronounced initial cooling due to heightened evaporation, setting the stage for a speedier journey to freezing temperatures.

2. Convection Currents: Harnessing heat distribution for efficient cooling

Convection currents come into play when considering the Mpemba Effect. Hot water, being at a higher temperature, is more effective at initiating these currents. Convection is the process where warmer, less dense fluid rises, and cooler, denser fluid sinks, creating a circulating flow.

In the Mpemba Effect, hot water initiates convection currents more efficiently. As hot water is exposed to cooler surroundings, it starts to cool from the surface. The higher temperature of the hot water induces convection, causing the warmer water at the surface to rise and be replaced by cooler water from below. This process facilitates a more even distribution of heat throughout the water, promoting faster overall cooling.

Convection currents in the hot water container are more vigorous compared to the cold water container. This enhanced heat distribution sets the stage for a quicker journey to the freezing point.

Rain freezing on window pane
Image by Author

3. Supercooling and Nucleation: Hot water’s state on the edge of freezing

Supercooling occurs when a liquid remains in a liquid state below its freezing point. The Mpemba Effect suggests that hot water might be more prone to supercooling, allowing it to exist in a state of liquidity even at temperatures below the freezing point.

In this scenario, the hot water becomes a sort of ‘supercooled reservoir’ where it stays liquid despite being below freezing. Once the water is triggered to freeze, perhaps by agitation or an introduction of an ice nucleus, the process of nucleation — the formation of ice crystals — occurs rapidly. This sudden crystallisation contributes to the observed faster freezing of hot water.

Imagine two containers, one with hot water and the other with cold water, both at temperatures below freezing. The hot water container, being in a state of supercooling, experiences a more abrupt transition to a solid state when the freezing process is initiated.

4. Reduced Dissolved Gases: Clearing the path for unimpeded freezing

Hot water may release dissolved gases more readily during the initial stages of cooling. As water temperature decreases, gases that were dissolved in the liquid may escape more readily from the warmer water compared to colder water. This reduction in dissolved gases creates a more conducive environment for freezing.

Dissolved gases can act as inhibitors for freezing by interfering with the formation of ice crystals. Hot water’s ability to release these gases efficiently could result in a reduced presence of inhibiting factors, allowing for a smoother and faster transition to the frozen state.

In a comparative scenario, consider two containers — one with hot water and the other with cold water — undergoing the initial stages of cooling. The hot water container, by shedding dissolved gases more readily, paves the way for unimpeded ice crystal formation and quicker freezing.

While these explanations offer insights into the potential mechanisms at play, ongoing research continues to explore the Mpemba Effect, aiming to unravel the intricate details of this thermal conundrum.

Implications for everyday life

The Mpemba Effect adds a touch of scientific mystery to our daily encounters with heat and cold. It challenges assumptions and prompts us to question our intuitive understanding of how water behaves under varying temperatures. Consider the implications for your ice-making routine — perhaps starting with hot water could be the secret to quicker ice cubes, adding a dash of scientific curiosity to a seemingly mundane task.

References and Citations:

Aristotle. (4th Century BCE). Physics. Link to Aristotle’s Physics Aristotle’s writings, including his observations on the behaviour of hot and cold water, provide a historical backdrop to the Mpemba Effect.

Mpemba, E. (1969). Cooling Hot Water. Physics Education, 4(3), 172–174. Erasto Mpemba’s original publication, where he detailed his observations of hot water freezing faster, offers a first-hand account of the phenomenon.

Mara, T. A., Trinh, E. H., & Soos, Z. G. (2013). The Mpemba effect: When can hot water freeze faster than cold? American Journal of Physics, 81(6), 412–416. This research article explores experimental findings related to the Mpemba Effect, offering insights into potential mechanisms behind the phenomenon.

Burridge, H. C. (1972). The freezing of hot and cold water. Education in Chemistry, 9(2), 53–54.Burridge’s article delves looks at the early scientific investigations into the Mpemba Effect, examining factors that may influence hot water’s faster freezing.

As the Mpemba Effect continues to spark scientific curiosity, these references provide a foundation for understanding its historical context, experimental evidence, and ongoing research pursuits.



Tom Kane
Plainly Put

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium