Plainly Put

Through The Years

A poem

Tom Kane
Plainly Put


you are
not made of marble
to erode with time

with each sun’s rising
i trace the paths of you
your well-trod wisdom maps
etched deep into your being

breath by breath
you unveil Earth’s reverence
growing into your bones

watch the hours drift
across your sea-changed skin
inking currents unseen

let me be anchored to you
this steadying body of water
that holds my heart buoyed

you are the moon
forever renewing beauty
with each
waxing tide

your radiance calls forth
the highest realms in me
urges my tides to crest

mirroring your cosmic grace
washing eternal over
this ever-altering shore



Tom Kane
Plainly Put

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium