What is the ideal written article length

That people will read all the way through

Tom Kane
Plainly Put
3 min readJan 14, 2024


The ideal article or post length that people will read all the way through can vary depending on the topic, audience, and writing style.

However, research and industry best practices suggest that the optimal article length is typically between 1,000 and 2,000 words. This range allows for in-depth exploration of a topic while still maintaining reader engagement.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the ideal length and factors to consider:

Understanding reader behaviour

Online reader behaviour indicates that people are willing to invest time in longer, well-crafted content that provides valuable insights, practical tips, or entertaining narratives.

While attention spans vary, many readers are willing to engage with longer articles if the content is compelling and relevant to their interests.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) considerations

Longer posts tend to perform better in search engine results. Search engines often prioritise comprehensive, informative content, and longer posts provide more opportunities to incorporate relevant keywords and phrases.

Well-researched, longer articles are more likely to attract backlinks, which can further enhance their search engine visibility and authority.

Topic complexity and depth

Complex or multifaceted topics often require a greater word count to be adequately explored and explained. Readers seeking in-depth information are more likely to engage with longer content that addresses their specific questions and concerns.

For topics that require detailed explanations, case studies, or step-by-step guides, a longer article length allows for a more thorough and valuable presentation of information.

Audience preferences

Understanding the preferences of your target audience is crucial. Some readers may prefer concise, to-the-point content, while others may appreciate comprehensive, long-form articles.

Analysing audience engagement metrics, such as time on page and scroll depth, can provide valuable insights into the ideal length for your specific readership.

Balancing quality and quantity

While longer written posts can be beneficial, it’s essential to prioritise quality over sheer word count. Content should be well-organised, engaging, and free of unnecessary fluff.

Each section of the post should serve a purpose, whether it’s to inform, entertain, or persuade. A clear and logical structure can help maintain reader interest throughout the entire post.

Testing and iteration

A/B testing different article lengths can provide valuable data on reader preferences. By analysing engagement metrics and reader feedback, you can refine your content strategy to better align with audience expectations.

Iterative testing allows you to find the optimal blog or article length for your specific audience and content goals.

In conclusion, the ideal article length that people will read all the way through is typically between 1,000 and 2,000 words. However, it’s important to consider the specific needs and preferences of your target audience, the complexity of the topic, and the balance between quality and quantity.

By understanding reader behaviour, optimising for search engines, and prioritising valuable content, you can create article posts that effectively engage and inform your audience.



Tom Kane
Plainly Put

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium