Why Do Electrons Orbit Around Atoms

Well, the answer is — they don’t

Tom Kane
Plainly Put
4 min readFeb 20, 2024


In school, we were taught to visualise atoms as a little nucleus with the electrons orbiting around it, much like planets orbit their sun.

However, this idea, though it got us into thinking about the concept of atoms, was totally wrong. Electrons do not whizz round the nucleus in circles.

Instead, they act more like a fuzzy cloud of probability around the centre of the atom, as in accordance with the wave-like behaviour of particles, while conforming to Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle.

Early scientists questioned how negative electrons could orbit a positive nucleus without spiralling in and colliding with it, so the simple model of the atom could not be the correct one, and thus we arrived at today’s explanation, the electron cloud theory.

I will explain here in plain language, and in 3 separate ways to help make this concept easier to grasp.

The Concept of orbitals

  1. To understand the concept of orbitals in atomic theory, we can use a simple analogy. Imagine an atom as a tiny solar system, with the nucleus as the sun and the electrons as planets. Instead of following specific paths like planets, electrons move around the nucleus in areas called “orbitals.” These orbitals are like fuzzy clouds where we might find the electrons. Scientists came up with this idea by studying how atoms behave and by conducting experiments, such as the gold foil experiment, which showed that atoms are mostly empty space but must contain something. This “something” is the energy format of the orbitals where electrons are found.

The concept of orbitals is related to the way energy is shared and overlapped in atomic particles, similar to how two different colours of paint can overlap without mixing. This idea is supported by the Bose-Einstein statistics, which describes how certain particles, called bosons, can occupy the same energy state without hindering each other. This overlap of energy is also seen in other natural phenomena, like the movement of objects in space.

In summary, orbitals are the areas around an atom’s nucleus where we are likely to find its electrons, and the concept is supported by how energy behaves in atomic particles and other natural processes.

New models of the atom

2. Scientists in the early 20th century were trying to understand the structure of atoms. They knew atoms were made up of tiny particles called electrons that orbited around a nucleus. But they didn’t understand exactly how the electrons were arranged around the nucleus.

To figure this out, scientists like Niels Bohr came up with models of the atom. Bohr proposed that electrons orbit the nucleus in specific paths called “orbitals.” He said electrons can jump between different orbitals by gaining or losing precise amounts of energy.

This orbital model explained experimental observations really well. For example, when atoms absorb or emit light, it’s because electrons are jumping between orbitals and gaining or losing energy.

Later, scientists like Erwin Schrödinger used quantum mechanics equations to refine the orbital model. This gave more precise descriptions of the shapes and energies of atomic orbitals. The quantum model said orbitals are like clouds that give the probability of finding an electron in a certain region.

So in summary, the idea of atomic orbitals came from scientists trying to build models that could explain experimental observations about atoms and light. The modern quantum mechanical model provides the most accurate picture of atomic orbitals today

Observing atoms

3. Where did the idea of orbitals in atomic theory come from? How did scientists figure out that electrons aren’t just buzzing around the nucleus like little planets?

Well, it starts with observation. We know atoms make up everything, but they’re mostly empty space. Yet, there’s something holding them together. This idea was supported by the gold foil experiment. When atoms bond, they share electrons and their orbitals overlap without any issues. This overlapping without interference is similar to what we see in Bose-Einstein statistics.

Now, let’s talk about Bose-Einstein statistics. It’s a way to describe how certain particles behave. These particles, called bosons, can occupy the same state without any problems. This concept helps explain phenomena like laser light and superfluid helium.

We see this same kind of overlapping energy in objects moving in space. When something moves forward and spirals at the same time, both movements are powered by kinetic energy, overlapping without interference, much like bosons and atomic orbitals.

So, the idea here is that the conservation of energy law applies to both kinetic energy and the behaviour of particles described by Bose-Einstein statistics. This connection helps us understand how energy works in various scenarios, whether it’s in space or within atoms.

I hope these 3 explanations help you grasp the idea of electron orbitals, but remember, these explanations too are simply a more accurate way to visualise this complicated mathematical concept, and not the whole story.



Tom Kane
Plainly Put

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium