Plainly Put

Zwicky’s Tired Light Hypothesis

Lessons in unconventional inquiry

Tom Kane
Plainly Put


Swiss astronomer Fritz Zwicky proposed the Tired Light Hypothesis, suggesting that light might lose energy over time as it travels through space. While this idea is not widely accepted, it sparks curiosity about the nature of light. In everyday life, this concept challenges our common understanding of light and raises questions about its properties that go beyond what we typically learn in school.

The Tired Light Hypothesis Explained

At its core, Zwicky’s Tired Light Hypothesis suggests that light might undergo a gradual loss of energy as it traverses the vast expanses of space. This notion challenges the traditional understanding of light as an unchanging and constant entity. According to Zwicky, as light travels through the cosmos, it could experience fatigue, akin to a runner losing stamina over a long race.

In more technical terms, the hypothesis posits that photons, the particles of light, could scatter and lose energy during their cosmic journey. This scattering, Zwicky proposed, could lead to a reddening of light over time, which might explain certain observed phenomena, such as the redshift of distant galaxies.

Unravelling the Redshift

The connection between Zwicky’s Tired Light Hypothesis and the redshift of galaxies is a key aspect of this intriguing proposal. Redshift is a phenomenon where the light emitted by distant celestial objects shifts towards the longer-wavelength, or redder, end of the electromagnetic spectrum.

According to the conventional understanding, this redshift is often attributed to the expansion of the universe, described by Edwin Hubble’s famous law.

Zwicky’s hypothesis offers an alternative explanation. Instead of attributing the redshift solely to the expansion of the universe, he proposed that the observed redshift could be a result of the tiredness of light. As light traverses vast cosmic distances, it scatters, loses energy, and shifts towards the red end of the spectrum, presenting a unique perspective on the mechanisms at play in the vastness of space.

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The Controversy and Current Understanding

While Zwicky’s Tired Light Hypothesis provides a thought-provoking alternative to conventional explanations, it is not widely accepted in the scientific community. The hypothesis faces challenges, including the lack of definitive evidence supporting the gradual loss of energy by photons over cosmic distances. Modern astrophysics largely embraces the expansion of the universe as the primary explanation for redshift.

However, the Tired Light Hypothesis remains an intriguing piece of scientific history, reminding us of the persistent quest to understand the mysteries of the cosmos. Its unconventional nature sparks curiosity and underscores the dynamic nature of scientific inquiry, where hypotheses may be proposed, challenged, and refined over time.

The Legacy of Zwicky’s Tired Light Hypothesis

Beyond its speculative nature, Zwicky’s Tired Light Hypothesis contributes to the broader story of scientific exploration. It encourages scientists and enthusiasts alike to question established paradigms, fostering an environment where unconventional ideas can be considered and critically examined.

Zwicky’s Tired Light Hypothesis is an invite peer into the shadows of cosmic mysteries, where the nature of light itself becomes a subject of contemplation. While this hypothesis may not have become a cornerstone of contemporary astrophysics, its legacy persists as a testament to the inquisitive spirit that propels humanity’s quest for understanding the universe’s grand structure. The story of Zwicky’s proposal reminds us that even in the vastness of space, there are still corners waiting to be illuminated by the light of scientific exploration.

Fritz Zwicky (1898–1974) was a Swiss astrophysicist and a pioneering figure in the field of observational astronomy. Born in Bulgaria, Zwicky’s scientific career unfolded against the backdrop of the tumultuous early 20th century. He made significant contributions to various branches of astrophysics, leaving an indelible mark on the understanding of celestial phenomena.

In addition to his scientific achievements, Zwicky was a colourful character known for his outspoken personality. Despite facing some controversy due to his direct and sometimes confrontational approach, his contributions to astrophysics have endured, securing his place as a key figure in the history of astronomy.

References on the Tired Light Hypothesis:
Zwicky, F. (1929). “On the Redshift of Spectral Lines through Interstellar Space.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 15(10), 773–779.
This early work by Zwicky laid the foundation for his ideas on the redshift of spectral lines, a topic that would later be intertwined with the Tired Light Hypothesis.

Zwicky, F. (1929). “On the Redshift of Spectral Lines through Interstellar Space (II).” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 15(11), 773–779.
A continuation of Zwicky’s exploration of the redshift phenomenon, this paper examines the mechanisms that could contribute to the observed shifts in spectral lines.

Zwicky, F. (1962). “Cosmology — A Neglected Field in the Progress of Physical Research.” Science, 137(3529), 275–276.
In this article, Zwicky reflects on the state of cosmological research and discusses his views on the Tired Light Hypothesis and its potential implications.



Tom Kane
Plainly Put

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium