Best Science/Philosophy Memes of the Day

Walter Veit
Science and Philosophy
3 min readMar 21, 2020

21st of March, 2020.

Amidst the Coronavirus crisis, there is some need for fun. We will hence start to share the best science and philosophy memes on a daily basis (on the provision that we find quality memes). Feel free to send us your favourite. If we select it, you will receive an honourable mention.

The best meme today comes from existentialcomics. Indeed, it is their 333rd comic. Please visit and follow their page:

Click here for the full comic:

The philosophers in this comic are Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir.

The wikipedia definition for the concept of Bad Faith in exitentialist thinking serves us here well enough:

Bad faith (French: mauvaise foi) is a philosophical concept utilized by existentialist philosophers Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre to describe the phenomenon in which human beings, under pressure from social forces, adopt false values and disown their innate freedom, hence acting inauthentically. It is closely related to the concepts of self-deception and ressentiment.

The concept is frequently discussed by both philosophers, and I highly recommend to read at least one of their respective books.

Created by Nicholas Murphy and first published on Philosopher Games

Scientists sometimes claim that science has or should fully replace philosophy. This is an unfortunate trend, for philosophy and science are not two distinct, but two very much overlapping disciplines.

Science and philosophy need each other, and sometimes memes will be the best tool to spread this gospel:

Nowadays science and philosophy are often defined with strict boundaries, scientists engaging in philosophical questions get accused of overstepping the boundaries of their discipline and philosophers talking about scientific issues are largely ignored, sometimes justifiably for a lack of insight into the scientific work that has been done already. This, however, is a mistake. — Veit, 2019

Send us your favourite memes (whether philosophy or science) and we will share them here.



Walter Veit
Science and Philosophy

Scientist, philosopher, and writer at the University of Sydney. Homepage: | You can follow me on