Insane Universe

The crazy is what keeps it together. Otherwise it might be unbearable.

Frank Font
Science and Philosophy


Painting of three ladies in a rowboat.
Rowboat in a stream by Claude Monet

By Occam’s Razor, everything you consider real is imagined. Any other explanation introduces extras. Even a simulation feeding your mind would be more than what’s necessary to explain your reality.

The bare minimum to produce what you and everyone you know experiences is simply a fallible mind, which you think is yours, dreaming the universe, which you believe is real.

Like a person gone mad from solitary confinement, a universe is invented by a lone consciousness craving stimulation and escaping isolation. This universe becomes inescapable.

What explanation could be simpler than that?

But natural laws

There are natural laws in our universe, rules. They are crafted in the dream.

Our natural laws are perfect and always mysterious at the edges. The edges go on forever.

They are unblemished because imperfections and gaps are not the stuff of dreams.

Dreams are perfect within themselves. All laws are faultless as they should be in our dreams.

Only an outside observer would know that today’s observation is an invention that did not exist yesterday and will not exist



Frank Font
Science and Philosophy

I’m a profoundly stupid guy who started learning only after admitting that. Confidently unsure.