Carolyn Ziel
Science and Philosophy
4 min readJul 21, 2020


It’s a Privilege to NOT Believe in Science

Photo by Moritz Kindler on Unsplash

Here is the Cambridge Dictionary’s definition of privilege:

  1. A social advantage or authority possessed by a particular person or group
  2. A right or advantage that only a small number of people have
  3. An advantage that only one person or group of people has, usually because of their position

I know too many people who don’t believe in science. Not just people I see on Facebook who I’ve never met in person, or people I see being asked on the news why they won’t wear a mask. But people I know like Cecilia.

Cecilia is a cancer survivor and calls herself a warrior. She had a hard time of it, beating cancer. When I first met her, I found her to be strong and grounded. I admired her strength and her positive, life-affirming attitude. Cecilia suffered through surgery and two rounds of chemo. When her doctors recommend, she undergo a third round, she declined. “Every cell of my being was shouting ‘NO,’” she said on a recent podcast, “and I had to listen.”

It was this decision that led Cecilia to realize that her inner-knowing trumps science. Watching her share all this on her Instagram stories made me realize that it is not believing in science is not only a luxury, it’s a privilege.



Carolyn Ziel
Science and Philosophy

Writer, Teacher, Coach. I can guarantee that after working with me you WILL BE a better writer. Join 1 of my classes—Adventures in Writing.