Nasal Sprays on the Defense Line Against COVID

Can Antibody-Infused Nasal Spray protect against emerging COVID variants?

Adrija Bose
Science and Philosophy
4 min readJun 8, 2021


The 21st-century ultra-modernized world was going about its own pace when a previously deemed non-threatening virus took over it. A year later, research happens to be buzzing, medical infrastructure is strengthened and vaccination drives are the undisputed superstars. However, amidst all strict protocols and expert handling of the situation, countless lives are still being lost.

While researchers rack their brains to annihilate the existing strain of virus, the clever parasites find molecular loopholes to change guise and emerge with new mutations thus, giving birth to brand-new strains. Therefore, the question arises, are viruses cleverer than the most intelligent species on this planet? If not so, then how do they continue on their quest to survival while we have our lives on the line?

Therefore, the need to target the virus in any disguise at its source of infection emerges as the need of the hour. This prompts various researchers to acknowledge the molecular level of mechanism that facilitate the virus to change form.

Drawbacks of the IgG infused vaccine

The playing grounds of the SARS-CoV-2 virus are the famously known respiratory tracts. Most of the vaccines that circulate in the market are Immunoglobulin-G antibodies which are administered through intravenous infusion. Therefore, the IgG antibody circulating in the bloodstream of the individual renders itself to be inefficient in targeting the hub of the infection that thrives in the tracts. Consequently, the lack of the required amount of antibodies at the desired location prompts the manufacture of stronger doses of vaccine to facilitate the accumulation of the required amount of antibody in the respiratory tracts. Besides, the diverse variants of the virus peaking out its head from different countries of the world show improved resistance to these IgG antibodies thus rendering them a weak line of defense. Addressing these problems, researchers indulge in working on new therapeutic approaches which would target the site of infection while proving to be detrimental to all variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Understanding Immunology

Since I am a firm believer in science for the masses, here’s a little insight into how the immunity system works in context to this particular situation. An individual is the possessor of five antibodies that helps one fight against foreign entities namely the antigens. The heroes against the villainous antigens are IgA, IgG, IgM, IgE, and IgD. Each of these Immunoglobulin proteins or antibodies is wired to serve specific functions. In our intricately woven system of immunity, IgM and IgA antibodies are the first line of defense against mucosal pathogens. Moreover, diverse other features of their molecular build further confer them the ability to neutralize the virus through administration pathways that attack the core area of infection via intranasal infusion.

Work of the pioneers

Scientist Zhiaqiang Ku along with his colleagues set out to engineer IgM neutralizing antibodies from IgG antibodies. The newly synthesized IgM-14 helps overcome the resistance encountered by IgG-based therapeutics that are being administered currently to the mass. Since the IgM-14 antibody is engineered from an IgG cytoskeleton, it confers the new antibody with an increased potency over its parent IgG by a 230-fold margin and efficient activity against different variants like the newly emerged United Kingdom B.1.1.7, Brazilian P.1, and South African B.1.351 variants of concern (VOCs). Besides, the multivalent structure of Immunoglobulin-M antibodies makes it suitable for administration through the nasal tract. This ensures the antibody reaches the site of infection with enhanced efficiency. In vivo tests conducted using the formula yielded affirmative results to establish the effectiveness of this approach in rodents. For more insight into the technical aspects of this particular research, one can refer to their work published in Nature.

Photo by Julia Koblitz on Unsplash

While certain members of the scientific community speculate on the migration stability of the engineered antibody, it can still be said that this formulation acts as an extra line of defense for individuals susceptible to the virus. The established formulation will further be carried forward into clinical trials by IGM Biosciences, a biotech startup based in California.

The pandemic led to the toppling of the economy, showcased the failure of the healthcare system of countries, paved the way to joblessness and homelessness, and most importantly crippled us with the grief of losing loved ones. The loss incurred throughout the tenure of the pandemic has been unparalleled. However, ventures such as these give us the hope that mankind will help itself get through the worst of times and help each other survive even when the going gets tough.



Adrija Bose
Science and Philosophy

An aspiring researcher with a love for science and solutions