Studying Hurts

Alana Bauer Lacerda
Science and Philosophy
2 min readSep 8, 2020

But it will be worth it. I swear!

Studying: acquire skill and/or knowledge.

From some conversations with a good friend, we concluded the pain that this process causes. Studying bothers. It is uncomfortable and takes a lot of work. But I bring bad news: it is one of the only ways to learn.

Studying is not sitting with an article in one hand and a highlighter pen in the other, reading and leaving. Real studying requires reading, writing down, reflecting, looking for answers, experimenting, going further, looking for references. Studying is chewing word for word, even if bitter, even if digestion is not always the easiest.

I have been studying new texts for a few days that are essential complements to the theoretical part of my thesis project. I couldn’t help but come here to tell you about how this path works. You see: I already have a master’s degree. I’m already halfway through my doctorate. But the process of studying still goes like this: you start by finding it interesting, but you follow a little more and see so many, but so many stones along the way. They are texts you didn’t read, concepts you didn’t know, oh dear, “I DON’T KNOW ANYTHING”.

Make no mistake: this feeling knocks on the door of even the most experienced.

But you follow. Read some more, write down some more, that’s the way. Sometimes a good night’s sleep clears up a few things. In others, you accept that the path is long, but you are closer than far. And it is only in days, months (and even years) that you will see the fruits of your study.

Understand: anyone who says that studying is pleasant is not lying. Whoever says it is because he has already passed the path and looked back. It is because he has already gone through the pain of the needles, and today proudly displays the tattoo of learning. Don’t run away from studying pain. Insist on it until it passes. It makes us better people, and our existence takes on a much more beautiful meaning when we see our evolution.

Studying is to insist on learning. Don’t stop.



Alana Bauer Lacerda
Science and Philosophy

Ph.D. Candidate at UFRGS | Science lover | Founder @a.doutoranda | Communications Analyst