What if the Physical Universe is Just Like a 3D-screen?

When evaluating reality theories based on explanatory power, the 3D-screen model might be a quantum leap ahead.

Argos Kracht
Science and Philosophy
4 min readDec 29, 2020


Photo by Osama Saeed on Unsplash

From a certain point of view, a 2D computer screen might be called a reality simulator. Even we know there are only pixels, forms appearing on the screen seem very real. These forms can appear from “nowhere,” change to another form, and vanish as suddenly as they appeared. For many people, these pixel-created-forms have become more real than life in their normal 3D reality.

As a generalization, we can say that the (2D) screen itself is something we can call formless - it is capable of manifest and reshape absolutely any 2d form or destroy all forms in the blink of an eye. It often seems that there are certain rules on how forms move, interact, and change. If we take a short enough time window and apply scientific methods, we can define “screen laws” and predict how forms will behave on the screen. However, from time to time, “miracles” happen, which can’t be explained in the current “screen laws” paradigm. Then the most practical way is to ignore the unexplainable.

2D screens have two main parameters — number of pixels (per square unit) and frequency of pixel’s refresh rate. Modern technology has reached the level where rising pixels density or refresh frequency does not significantly enhance the observer’s illusion. Most of us like to stir forms created by blinking pixels on 2D screens for hours. We call it virtual reality.

When we draw our attention away from virtual reality to “real” reality, we like to believe that here forms known to us are really moving and colliding, that we can really create and destroy these forms. It is correct as long as we don’t change our vantage point out of 3D reality. But when we distance from the paradigm of reality’s atomic model and focus on the quantum level, we will see the similarities with the 2D screen.

Pixels of our 3D reality are quanta. To imagine the perfectness of the illusion, it is good to compare the size of quantum to the size of an electron, which is ca 10 000 000 000 000 times (10 in step 13) times bigger. Actually, quantum is not really as a pixel — it is rather (electromagnetic) energy oscillating in very high frequency between the reality we are capable of perceiving and the (imaginary) reality we are not capable of perceiving. By turning “on” and “off” these minimum energy units, any 3D form can be manifested exactly as it happens on our computer screens.

This follows that when physical things (forms) like cars or water molecules move - it is not a real movement — it is the same illusion as it is happening on the 2D screen.

What also follows is that behind everything must be some ”software” or information or intelligence which has a controlling position for switching in and out the energy bits, which are also bits of information. Reality can’t exist without an observer, as the double-slit effect has proven. Observing seems to direct and determine the status of energy.

Everything we see on the 2D-screen is information expressed via energy. The same is with our 3D reality — somewhere must be information that guides the energy. After the information is applied to energy — form (structure) manifests.

This also helps to understand how light can travel in the vacuum, which is not really a vacuum but more as a quantum sea — the electromagnetic field. Aether that is speculated to exist already hundreds of years is likely the quantum field capable of manifesting any form — be it a light beam/photon or planet.

Illusional movement on the 2D screen is absolute only related to pixels. Einstein discovered that in 3D reality, speed and time are also relative — the only absolute for forms is the quantum field (forms move in relation to the field). The only absolute for time is quantum frequency. If the quantum field’s basic frequency changes, we can't measure it as in deeper level (our) time is determined by quantum frequency. Time as we perceive it does not exist on the quantum level —

time is created on the quantum level.

Time, in the way we experience it, separates the minimum experiences we can perceive.

All movies were stored on the film in the last century, and shown via light projector 24 pictures/second. What we perceive as the time is “perception space” between observing two pictures. Time as we perceive it is the result of the change of (quantified) experiences. Past does not exist; the present moment is like the information stored by blockchain technology, including all that already happened.

The 3D quantum model makes it easier to explain many mysterious quantum mechanics and other phenomena: the double-slit effect, quantum entanglement, imaginary part of the complex numbers, or dark matter. But for sure, it does not answer the main question — who we are and what we are doing here.

And finally — what is written above might give us some updated understanding of Genesis 1:3 about the creation of the World:

Let there be light!



Argos Kracht
Science and Philosophy

There was time for sport, there was time for business. Today questions about psychology, philosophy and spirituality draw my attention more.