Science & Art — Submissions

Valentina Ferro
Science & Art
Published in
1 min readFeb 21, 2020

You love science arts and you want to share it with the world.

Welcome to the Science & Art publication!

We welcome all types of stories, but here is a series of rules to make this publication the best it can be:

  • Avoid aggression and critiques — This is not a critique publication. We are here to celebrate the many forms of science art. And while we believe in constructive criticisms, please be mindful when sharing a negative opinion piece.
  • Avoid replicated stories — Check if someone on the blog has already written about a certain topic. If you have something more to say, comment on that story instead of writing a new one. We are a community and we welcome discussions.
  • Expect editing — We reserve the right to edit and format your story, including changing the images when appropriate.

Topics we’re interested in

  • Pieces of arts that are worth talking about: these can be visual arts, performances, alternative media, or creative form of written science communication (e.g. poetry)
  • Opinion stories: we love to hear your ideas in the field of science art, and your experiences as a science artist or science/art lover
  • How TOs: tutorials and tip&trick stories for all those interested in a career in science art.

To become an approved writer and be able to submit your story, fill up the following form



Valentina Ferro
Science & Art

Physicist, illustrator, and space pirate temporarily based on earth. Author of the sci-art book Inking Science: