Sexed Up

In Defence Of “Fucking This Club In The Pussy”


The first time I heard Sebastian Ingrosso, of Swedish House Mafia fame, utter the words “I’m gonna fuck this night club in the pussy!” I laughed so hard I thought I was going to puke.

It was pretty close to the dumbest shit I’d ever heard.

Rivaled perhaps only by fellow Swede Yngwie Malmsteen’s “You’ve released the fucking fury!”, during a spat with a female passanger on an airplane over his drunken behavior.

Well, after a girl referred to a massage as a “spinegasm” I got to thinking about the similarities between the uncontrollable convulsions we experience during orgasm and how we instinctively jerk away when we touch something hot.

“Yes, there are several jokes there peeps. Grow up!”, he says while holding back the giggles.

What I hadn’t really thought about was how Ingrosso’s comment actually was a way of transforming and channeling that sexual energy into his performance.

I felt like I had to watch the documentary “Take One” again.

Alright guys, take two!

During it Axwell said something that struck me: “Turn off your brain, turn on your heart.”

This is a beautiful sentiment and in the context of the documentary it teaches us two valuable lessons.

First, that we actually do need to do a lot of preparation and hard work.

Second, that when we perform we need to shut off and rely on our instincts.

I remember Napoleon Hill talking about “transmuting” sexual energy into creativity. This really piqued my interest so I picked up the chapter on it.

There were two words that kept popping up time after time: “inspiration” and “enthusiasm”.

Now, being a word nerd I looked up the etymology of them.

Ooh, elegant! Damn, now I gotta look up that word too.

“Tasteful, selected with care”, alright.

A while back I wrote a piece about breathing where I mentioned that the word “spirit” means “breath”.

Well, curiously enough the word “inspiration” means “breathing in”. I proceeded to look up the second word.

Enthusiasm? Well, apparently it means “divine inspiration”. So, that’s weird.

Honestly, I haven’t yet figured out how that plays into the whole picture. My best guess is that if we remember to breathe then we unlock our ability to be in tune with ourselves and our surroundings.

Sometimes it’s just white noise.

You might be asking yourself “Where are you going with this?”, and I would have to answer “I don’t know, let’s see!”.

Our bodies have a tremendous ability to build up energy. We can get aroused by our partner, by jumping out of an airplane, by playing video games or any number of activities.

Most of the time we expend that energy on the activity itself.

However, just thinking about sex triggers a lot of reactions in our bodies.

Do you feel a little more sensual? A little more energetic and alert? Maybe you’re smiling or your eyes have relaxed a little? Maybe you’re all revved up & ready to go?

This is an amazing tool if we can channel it towards something productive. Like sex. Just look at what flows through our bodies:

1) Dopamine — This chemical is closely related to addiction. However, it also helps us tune out everything else and focus our attention on our partner.

2) Norepinephrine — A shot of natural adrenaline to gives us a boost of energy!

3) Testosterone — That sweet hormone of sexual desire, for both men and women. Ye!

4) Oxytocin — Acts like a tranquilizer during climax and also helps us bond.

5) Serotonin — Released after climax and helps us calm down and feel very, very happy.

Ye, he got sum!

What happens when we don’t get to act on them? Well, usually we get frustrated or depressed.

However, knowing that we can transform this energy can actually catapult us into extreme acts of creativity.

It’s kind of like choosing between accepting failure or seeing it as an opportunity for growth. A moment where we get to ask ourselves: “Alright, what the hell do I do now?”.

So, why did we focus so heavily on sex today?

Because someone requested it. And I’m glad they did.

Out of all the activities we could be doing none is more powerful than sex.

Think about it.

All of our senses are engaged. Sight, sound, smell, taste and touch.

Maybe Ingrosso’s comment wasn’t so stupid after all?

Yes. Yes it was. But even in the dumbest of comments we can find a nugget of wisdom if we look for it.

The question then is, can any of our creative pursuits ever match the experience of sex?

Personally? I doubt it.

But I’m so glad and grateful that we keep on trying.

Have a kick-ass ₢eative day!



Zac Scy
Science: Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc

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