What is Body Composition?

How to undergo a body recomposition and measure it accurately

Emilina Lomas
Science-Backed Wellness


Source: Getty Images

The fitness industry is characterized by a handful of buzzwords: ‘fat loss’, ‘muscle gain’, ‘macros’, ‘HIIT’, ‘clean eating’ — I could go on. But a term that doesn’t get enough discussion, in my opinion, is body composition.

Understanding some of the basic science of your body composition can help you burn fat, build muscle, and look better than ever. It’s one of the most important metrics to track and a key indicator that you are getting healthier.

My experience with improving body composition

Before becoming a full-time health and fitness writer, I worked as a nutritionist and personal trainer. Nearly every client I worked with had a poor body composition, despite coming in a variety of shapes and sizes. The skinniest person you know might have a poor body composition, or someone characterized as obese on the BMI index might have a phenomenal body composition.

I think body composition is such an important topic on the basis that we put way too much weight (excuse the pun) on body weight being the most important indicator of general health, when in reality, that’s not the case.

What is the definition of body composition?



Emilina Lomas
Science-Backed Wellness

Health Writer. Exercise Scientist. Wellness junkie. Philosophy enthusiast. Published author. Subscribe to my Substack: emilinalomas.substack.com/