Ultra-short Visit at the Wikimedia Foundation Headquarter on 4 November 2016

Oliver Stebler
Inspiring Science Communication
2 min readNov 17, 2016

Chat with Communications Director Juliet Barbara and meet & greet with Executive Director Katherine Maher.

1. This is how Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. (WMF) describes itself on Wikipedia: “American non-profit and charitable organization with its headquarter in San Francisco, California. It is mostly known for participating in the Wikimedia movement. It owns the internet domain names of most movement projects and hosts sites like Wikipedia. The foundation was founded in 2003 by Jimmy Wales as a way to fund Wikipedia and its sister projects through non-profit means.”

2. Besides the most popular project, the website Wikipedia, the Wikimedia Foundation runs several projects, that probably are lesser known in the general public. During our short visit, Juliet Barbara mentioned a few of them:

a) Movement affiliates: independent but formally recognized groups of people intended to work together to support and contribute to the Wikimedia movement.

b) Wikimania: International conference that brings together the people involved in the Wikimedia organizations and projects.

c) Wikipedia Usability Initiative.

d) Public Policy Initiative.

e) Technology (mainly hardware)

Wikipedia’s current logo
Participants of the swissnex Science Communication Study Tour 2016 in a meeting room at the Wikimedia Foundation Headquarter in San Francisco. Benjamin Bollman, Head of Science Programs & University Affairs at swissnex San Francisco, is holding up the Wikipedia logo.

