Optical Illusion

ATTACK: Monday 12:16pm

Rapidly firing neurons

Zayyan Ahmed
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2013


In the future

Companies will provide cures, boosts, and other genetic remedies in exchange for implanting their DNA into your genebase. Essentially ensuring that you pass on the genes to future generations

Space travel

You must be able to see yourself before you see outside of yourself

The act of sight is capturing light and developing a representation of reality through that.

It’s essentially travel at the speed of light

I’ve managed to open several eyes on my body, eventually being able to open all the key points or chakras and ‘seeing without seeing’.

The eyes however, were not merely photo receptors, but more like lighthouse beams that would shine light on my surroundings which enabled my eyes to resolve details across a wide focus area.

My eyes and body were aligned along a central plane, running vertically through the center of my body. I felt like I could slice through space and time

The third eye in particular, the one on my forehead, invited terrors upon me, but utilizing more power, specifically drawing the chi through my body and to my heart, I could rebuff these attacks, especially when I learned to relax and disregard pressure from the enemy as a figment of time.

The beams helped inform my movement and at one point I felt the ability to actually travel through space using this method alone, unfortunately hindered by the physical constraint of being in a body.

I believe teleportation is possible if this inner control concept is tethered to a type of matter transfiguration device that can translate that instruction.

Stay tuned for moar SCIFIATTACKS

Thank you for reading/.Z

