About Science Fictioned

The story behind the stories.

Lee Falin
Science Fictioned
2 min readJul 29, 2019


Many years ago, I was working as a research scientist reading an extremely boring research paper. My eyes began to glaze over. I found myself rereading the same laboratory procedures section over and over again. My stomach growled—its way of suggesting a more interesting activity. I decided to take a lunch break.

While I was eating, I picked up my Kindle and resumed reading an extremely not boring novel that I had started reading early in the week. As I read, part of my brain thought, “Man, if research papers were written like novels, I bet more people would read them.”

And thus, Science Fictioned was born.

I started by finding some interesting research papers and dreaming up how the concepts in those papers could be used as the seeds for story ideas. Then I sat down and wrote a handful of stories, wrote some explanations of the science, and published them in book form on Amazon.

Over the years, research papers haven’t gotten any more interesting, but I’ve thought of lots more stories as I’ve read them. So recently, I decided to resurrect the idea of Science Fictioned and syndicate them here on Medium.

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Lee Falin
Science Fictioned

Scientist & Storyteller, you can find my books and stories here: https://LeeFalin.com