15 Minutes Exercise Plan: How a Women Can lose Her Belly Fat and Get a Flat Tummy in Just 15 Days

Azhar Shafi
Science For Life
Published in
6 min readJan 16, 2022

Hey ladies, do you want to get a flat tummy? Well, today I have a perfect exercise plan for you that is designed to help you get a flat belly.

15 Minutes Exercise Plan: How a Women Can lose Her Belly Fat and Get a Flat Tummy in Just 15 Days
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Have you tried losing weight before? You’ve seen the scale go down, but then it goes back up again.

Every time you try to diet, you feel like you are giving up things that are important to you. But don’t give up yet! Take care of your health now because it’s still not too late.

The key is finding an exercise routine that suits your lifestyle. This way, it will be easier for you to stick with it. With just 15 minutes of exercise per day, here’s how to lose your belly fat and get a flat tummy in just 15 days!

1. What Are The Advantages of This Workout

One of the many benefits of exercising regularly is that it will help you lose weight more effectively.

Seriously, losing weight can seem like a daunting task. It may seem impossible to achieve, but one of the benefits of exercising regularly is that it will help you lose weight more effectively than dieting alone.

By combining regular exercise with healthy eating, you’ll be able to lose your belly fat and get a flat tummy in just 15 days!

So here are some other benefits of regular exercise:

· Increased energy levels

· Better heart health

· Reduced risk of depression

· Lower chance for certain cancers

2. What is a Flat Tummy?

A flat tummy is an indication of a healthy body. It’s the sign of someone who has had success in their weight loss journey.

Getting a flat tummy usually means making some lifestyle changes, like eating better and exercising more. But what steps must we take to achieve this? To start, you’ll need to make some dietary adjustments.

Eating less food is essential for weight loss, but it’s only part of the solution. If you’re not careful about what you eat on your diet, your calories will still exceed your needs and you’ll end up gaining the weight back again. The following tips will help you lose weight without gaining it back!

3. Why a Woman Will Lose Her Belly Fat and Get a Flat Tummy

You know those days when you come home from work and all you want to do is sit down and eat something? You can even get yourself to breakfast before dinner. If these symptoms seem to be present in your life, it means that it is time to look at your diet and lifestyle habits.

It may seem like a challenge, but many benefits come with finding the right exercise routine that suits your lifestyle. There are many motives why a woman will lose her belly fat and have a flat tummy in just 15 days!

· Your body will use more calories

· It will increase your metabolism

· It will burn more belly fat

· You’ll have better muscle tone around your stomach

· You’ll have more energy!

4. The Problem with Exercise

It’s no secret that exercise is one of the keys to health and weight loss. It can be an influential plan to lose weight and live longer and healthy. The problem is that it can be hard to find time to exercise, and even if you do find time, it can seem like you’re not making any progress.

Exercise needs to be personalized because we all have different schedules and interests. So how do we find a workout routine that will fit our lifestyle?

5. So How To Lose Your Belly Fat

So are you ready to burn or forfeit your belly fat and get a flat tummy in just 15 days? Follow these steps below to see results in less than two weeks!

i. Set an alarm for 15 minutes every day

You only need to exercise 15 minutes a day for this plan to work. You can make it work with your schedule by setting an alarm on your phone even if it means waking up 5 minutes earlier. Trust me, you’ll be glad you did!

ii. Focus on the fitness moves that burn fat

Now that you’ve set your alarm, it’s time to start working out! This plan is built around bodyweight exercises that are effective at toning muscle and burning fat.

Make sure to do any of the following moves for at least 30 seconds each: squats, planks, push-ups, jumping jacks or mountain climbers.

iii. Don’t forget about cardio

Don’t forget about doing cardio as well! Cardio will help burn more calories and shed those pounds faster than just doing resistance training alone.

Try alternating between high-intensity workouts like running intervals for 10–20 minutes and low-intensity workouts like walking or cycling for 30–60 minutes. Just remember that high.

6. Setting Up a Routine That Works For You

When it comes to exercise, there are many ways to get in the right amount of time. Some people prefer more intense workouts with lots of sweat whereas others like to take it easy.

The key is finding the type of activity that works for you and your lifestyle.

Find an activity that can be done anytime, anywhere. This way, you’ll always have an opportunity to get in some exercise without having to plan or feel out of shape when life gets busy.

For example, if you like to stay active in your free time but don’t want to go into a gym or run outside on a hot day, try picking up an indoor sport like squash or racquetball. It will give you something fun to do while also improving your health!

7. Set Your Reminder or Alarm For 15 Minutes

If you’re trying to lose weight, you must find time to exercise. You may not have time for a 30-minute workout during your day. But if you can commit to 15 minutes of exercise, it will make a world of difference!

That’s because as little as 15 minutes of physical activity burns as many as 100 calories and has other benefits like improving your mood and reducing stress. It might seem like nothing at first, but those small exercises could add up fast.

8. Find The Most Effective Workout For You

There are many different types of workouts that you can try, but not all of them will work for what you want. If you’re just starting, it might be better to choose an activity that’s on the gentler side and doesn’t require too much strength.

The best way to find a workout routine is by trying different types of exercises until you find one that fits your needs. There are many different options for everyone: cardio, weightlifting, basketball, running, cycling, etc. You can even try out a few at once!

If you don’t know where to start, here are some good choices: walking 10 minutes a day 3 times a day; dancing in your living room for 20 minutes; doing stationary biking for 20 minutes, or swimming laps for 30 minutes.

No matter what exercise you end up choosing, try working out for 15 minutes each day and gradually increasing the time as soon as possible.

It’s also important to remember to eat healthy during this process so that losing weight becomes easier!

9. What You Need To Know About Your Diet

First things first: you need to know what you should be eating. We all know that junk food is bad for our weight, but did you know that even healthy foods can increase your belly fat?

Instead of going from one extreme to the other, find a balance between nutrient-rich foods and indulgences. While you work on reducing belly fat this will assist keep your body fueled and complacent.

“Healthy Foods: Fruits, vegetables, lean proteins like chicken or fish, whole grains (brown rice or quinoa), low-fat dairy (milk or yoghurt), protein shakes (Pulsin protein shake).”

Unhealthy Foods: Processed foods like chips and fast food.

10. Stick With It!

Just because you’ve tried losing weight before doesn’t mean it’s too late to take control of your health. The key is finding an exercise routine that suits your lifestyle.

Why are routines important? If you have a routine, it’ll be easier for you to stick with an exercise program. The goal is to do at least 15 minutes of exercise per day. And in just 15 days, you’ll have a flat tummy!

It’s important to remember that to see results, consistency is key

You should aim to keep up with your routine for at least one month. This way, you can feel confident that the small steps you’re taking are helping your body change and become healthier!


Any task takes some time to complete. If you want to see a healthy lean gorgeous woman then definitely follow this plan. This fifteen-minute workout will definitely help you to get lean and fit.



Azhar Shafi
Science For Life

I am a passionate writer with a focus on online earning and now want to share my thoughts and content with my valuable readers and followers on Medium.com.