4 Unquestionable Reasons I Am Convinced About Grandparents Are Angels in Disguise

Why grandparents are far more than just babysitters

Miss Sunday :3
Science For Life
7 min readMay 28, 2021


Grandparents are special people. Grandparents are sent from above as angels in disguise.

They have a very clear, magnanimous love for their grandchildren. A love so distinct from that of their own children.

They are a child’s go-to person within the family, which makes them a grandchild’s best friend. The magical bond between them is unquestionable.

Having grandchildren to take care of regardless of whether they are in one household or from a distance gives grandparents some kind of fulfillment. It gives them a sense of purpose that goes beyond their achievements in life.

They may be retirees done with supporting their own children, but their life journey doesn’t end there.

Being given the chance to experience that phase in their lives brings them to another level. Being with kids restores their energy and youthfulness, consequently uplifting their emotional well-being.

The happiness that grandchildren bring gives them the confidence to continue with the daily activities that would help them maintain good physical and emotional health.

In effect, they will have a greater chance to lead a longer life.

“You never know the love of a grandparent until you become one.” — unknown

This quote is a contradiction to my believings and may I encourage you to care for and appreciate your grandparents or your children's grandparents as you already might have children if you don’t already do so.

1. They Know That Grand Parenting Is a Privilege and Treat It like This

Not all are given the chance to experience it.

Likewise, not all children are lucky enough to also experience the grandparent-grandchild relationship in a conventional type of family setting. However, most families are still of the standard type so I will take it from the general point of view.

Grandparents Have Flexible Roles in the Family

Grandparents may fulfill various roles in the family. But those roles are uncertain. They vary depending on the kind of family and its structure.

They can be a teacher, a referee, a provider, a playmate, and a lot more depending on the circumstance.

They are very flexible, and they can respond accordingly to any situation within the family in ways that are fair to all. They can have so much to contribute to the family from their own experience. That is why they often create a beneficial influence on their grandchildren’s life.

And a blessing to their parents as well for taking part in nurturing the kids.

Being the senior in the family, grandparents are looked up to as role models.

The impact of their mere presence and the legacy that they pass on to the family plays a huge part in the family's development that would set a shining figure for the grandchildren to remember.

2. They Are Far More than Just Babysitters

Photo by Johnny Cohen on Unsplash

Grandparents are the most excited during the arrival of their very first grandchild and of course for the succeeding ones also, but nothing beats the first time.

If the parents are working, the grandparents are often to the rescue.

They are always on a call like they put it upon themselves to be of help in any way they can whenever and wherever help is needed.

They can make extremely good babysitters without degrading them to just a babysitter.

The parents will surely appreciate the time and effort they give considering the physical help extends to decreasing their budget for childcare, which is usually very expensive.

Babysitting, whether full-time or occasional depending on the circumstances, marks the beginning of the wonderful bond between a grandparent and grandchild.

In the course of their caregiving, as the child grows, learning demands comes into the picture. At this point, the grandparents also act as teachers at home and playmates as well.

Grandparents have a lot of life experience and also the distance to those events in the past for a deeper and wiser analysis. Teaching their grandchildren a significant amount of life wisdom in the most influential years of a growing child makes them to outstanding role models instead of a babysitter.

3. Time Is an Extraordinary Gift from Grandparents

Time is an extraordinary gift that grandparents give to their grandchildren while they still have it and can still make the most out of it.

They can have simple playtimes and enjoy the energy of their grandchildren or accompany the kids to the park or a party or maybe just lounge at home and watch some movies.

They could also tell stories in between and have casual chats with the children.

Surely, they will never run out of things to talk about. We all know that little ones are always eager to find answers to their many questions and grandparents would gladly entertain them.

Grandparents could also be a source of information to introduce their grandchildren to the significant events in the family and the extended family.

This will help in shaping their future by learning about their roots and the best people to do this is no other than grandparents for they hold the key to the family’s history and family ties being the senior member.

It is a great opportunity for grandparents to pass their wisdom and knowledge and life experiences and lessons to their grandchildren.

Doing so must be guided by boundaries so that the beliefs of the parents will not be bypassed. Otherwise, it might cause misunderstanding by the adults and confusion by the grandchildren.

Grandparenting should also be done with care and caution.

The phase of caregiving or babysitting the grandkids develops the powerful foundation of a special grandparent-grandchild relationship that grows over time.

4. They Are Always Neutral and Give Love

Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

Time flies so fast, and before you realize it, you are already dealing with a young adult.

As grandchildren become adolescents, their behavior changes accordingly.

They explore and look for some kind of independence. They will have peers who would influence them, and they will become aggressive about things as they get excited to enter another phase of life.

All these and other changes in their attitude are but normal, including the changes in how they deal with family. Sometimes they would clash with parents because they feel parents are being so strict.

I say this is a critical stage that grandchildren will need someone to for guidance aside from their parents.

Caring demands would now change. Consequently, the role of the grandparents will be pretty much different now. Their grandparents would be the perfect loving advocates who can give them encouragement to have a sense of self-worth. To make them believe in their dreams and nurture their strengths.

Hence, to mold them into powerful individuals in order for them to rise to life’s challenges.

The process may not be easy though. But the grandchildren can have the guarantee that they can have the steadfast support only a grandparent can offer. Grandchildren can always find a safe haven in them.

A grandparent is someone they can trust and who is always on their side with an endless supply of love, understanding, patience, compassion, kindness, gentleness, and all the righteousness in them.

Sometimes they go overboard and can’t help but do some pampering and spoiling, but it’s fine, just once in a while, whatever makes them happy.

One dominant trait of grandparents, they can act as confidants always ready to listen non-judgmentally and give advice wholeheartedly.

They have that one-of-a-kind support to their grandchildren that gives a lasting effect on their well-being. The one support that will get them through tough times with greater resilience.

“A grandparent has silver in their hair and gold in their heart.” — Unknown

My Grandparents, My Heroes

Photo by Gita Krishnamurti on Unsplash

Grandparents might be the superheroes that you look up to while growing up.

They are heaven-sent to care for you and love you unconditionally. But the reality is that they won’t stay with you forever. The time will come when they also become weak and needed to be cared for.

Sooner or later there will only be memories of them.

So as grandchildren cherish them while they are still with you physically.

Do not hesitate to let them know how grateful you are for having them in your life. Spend your precious time with them as much as you can and make them feel how much you really love them. Give them the attention and support that is due to them.

They need you like when you needed them when you were just a kid.

They will be the happiest with a grandchild or grandchildren by their side.

Kudos to our grandparents!

Let their legacy live on through you and pass it on!

I hope you liked my homage to my grandparents. I’ve selected another great article of mine for you:



Miss Sunday :3
Science For Life

Hello :3 I am Miss Sunday and I finally got over myself to share my experiences and deepest feelings to hopefully help you not to make the same mistakes!